Updated (12/27/14) -- 1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. (With The Lord !)
February 4th, 2012
by Vic on Jun.21, 2011, under God is Love
Signs Of The Times (2011 AD) ::
“Following a French initiative to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority by convening a Middle East peace conference in Paris, the European Union is now advocating an international peace plan as an alternative to a unilateral Palestinian plan to secure state recognition at the UN in September. (Sept. 2011)
In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the EU’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, called for the urgent convening of the Middle East Quartet. The Quartet–the U.S., EU, UN and Russia–would gather as a precursor for support for a peace [based upon President Barack Obama’s 1967 borders suggestion]. (Barak Ravid, “EU pushing peace plan based on Obama’s ‘1967 borders’ speech,” Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News. 6/14/11)
Many Bible prophecy students have long believed that Europe is the reviving Roman Empire out of which will emerge “the prince that shall come” (Daniel 9:26-27). The Beast, as Antichrist is called, will confirm a covenant of peace for seven years with Israel, and, in effect, with the other nations of the world, according to the prophet Daniel. The EU and Israel being at the center of this drive to institute a humanistic peace plan is the number-one signal that Christ is now at the door, readying to shout “come up hither!” (Rev 4:1-2). Nearing Midnight Commentary – 6/20/11 :: Terry James – www.raptureready.com
Vatican calls for independent Palestinian state soon | www.jpost.com
“Pope Benedict XVI meets PA President Abbas at Vatican, says its urgent that Palestinian state, Israel live in security, at peace with neighbors.”When they shall shay Peace and Safety then Sudden Destruction —- Daniel 9:27 – Seven Year Peace Deal With Israel/Others Begins the 7 Year End of The World —
In meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Rome, Ban throws weight behind UN vote, vision of Barack Obama.
Peace initiative proposed by French FM Alain Juppe incorporates the position that the goal of negotiations is ‘two states for two peoples,’ not just ‘a two-state solution.’
News: Senior White House National Security Council official tells Jewish leaders US has only one month to thwart PA’s UN bid
President says that Israel ‘doomed’ unless negotiations with the Palestinians leading to a peace agreement begin in the immediate future.Iran Hints That Nuclear Bomb Test Is Coming | www.nowtheendbegins.com
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