Shalom and Blessings To Everyone !
The Purpose of this Post is to Bring Alive The Words in the Title 🙂
Something Awesome is that there is a ‘Theme’/Deeper Meaning and Literal Truth In Relation To The Church and Jesus.
A Literal Truth of The Scripture is that The Church is The Bride of Yah’shua (Jesus) [The Bridegroom] ! 🙂
The Church right now is Betrothed (Legally Married) to Jesus 🙂 — The Five Wise Virgins of the Parable of The Ten Virgins Are Waiting/Watching For Yeshua/Yahshua to Return and have Oil in the Lamps (Being Obedient/Faithful/Virtuous) and are about His Work.
The Five Wise Virgins Will Hopefully Receive a Crown of Righteousness In Watching/Loving Jesus Return.
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Shavua’ Chuppah = Bridal Week, A period of seven spent in the Honeymoon Chamber (The New Jerusalem) \o/ — Hopefully Parallel to The Daniel 9:27 – Peace Covenant/Beginning of the 7 Year End of the world.
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
The Rapture is the Time of when know one knows the day or the hour, (The Feast of Trumpets is also known by that name) only the Father.
We also know the Exact Day and Hour The Tribulation is going to Start, it Will Be the Exact Hour Daniel 9:27 is Signed — (Paul said we are not in Darkness to The Day of The Lord/When They Cry Peace and Safety). (see video in sidebar)
Jesus said in a Parable, That the Kindgom of Heaven is like a King who made a Marriage for His Son —- The Theme about Jesus and His Bride The Church can be Understood through Jewish/Hebraic Roots — (Jesus sent to The House of Israel for His Ministry — Christians grafted in).
Romans 11:18 Boast not against the branches. (The Jews) But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, (The Jews) but the root thee. (The Christians)

Understanding the Hebraic Perspective of the Faith, brings Richness to The Faith.
This is The Meaning of When Jesus Said ::: “Of That Day and Hour No Man Knows, Only The Father” — In John 14 — Jesus said this :: 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
In An Ancient Jewish Wedding, After The Bridegroom and Bride were Espoused/Betrothed — The Bridegroom would say to The Bride before leaving and seeing his Bride for the last time before the consummation: “I Go To Prepare A Place For You,” (Jesus said this at the Last Supper too) and what he would do, is that he would go back to His Father’s House (Jesus – The New Jerusalem) and he would build a room/house/Honeymoon chamber onto his Father’s House. (could maybe take a year – Bride to be ready – Matthew 25)
Now these are The words of Diamonds and Gold 🙂 The Bridegroom (Yah’shua) would never know when it would be time to get the Bride, Because The Father (YHVH) would be The One who would give the approval of when he thought the room/house/Honey-moon Chamber (Mansion/THE NEW JERUSALEM) was Ready/good enough/or finished — Then The Bridegroom/Son (Jesus – Yah’shua/Yeshua) Could Go and Get The Bride !!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Hence, no one knows the day or the hour – only the Father ! 🙂
In Reference to the Words Jesus Spoke in Matthew 24:36 — But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Before these words, Jesus is Describing the End of The World/The 2nd Coming, — After these words, Jesus is talking about the time of Noah, then The Parable of The Ten Virgins — an Unknown Time.
Does Matthew 24:36 Describe: The Rapture (The Feast of Trumpets/Ancient Jewish Wedding {An Unknown Time} — Two will be in the field, one taken, the other left) or Does it refer to Jesus 2nd Coming being an unknown time?
If it’s the latter, it would be a conundrum, because Daniel 9:27 gives the exact time of when the Second Coming will be: Seven years from A Peace deal confirmed by the Anti-Christ with Israel and many.

This Verse: Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. — Is probably in Reference to a Pre-Trib Rapture, God Willing 🙂 Maranatha ! 🙂
The Feast of Trumpets, is known as the Day of when know man knows the Day or the Hour. The Feasts (Appointed Times) are shadows {‘Dress Rehearsals’} of things to come — (Colossians 2:16-17).
“The Feasts are never called “Jewish Feasts” or “Israel’s Feasts”. They are called “The FEASTS OF YHWH”. They are His… and they are for ALL generations – as “Kadosh Miqra’im” – Holy Rehearsals! Rehearsals of what? Messiahs 1st and 2nd coming!” —– The Jewish Calendar & Feasts: Comments from an Alpha-Omega Reader ::
Maranatha !!!!!!!!!!!! \o/ ><>
The Following is a Really good comment left for another post and was posted at The Rapture Page at Facebook —
Edited message 2/12/12 – Vic
Let’s do away with all the misunderstood “Christian” MYTHS first…
1. He will come as a thief in the night even to the Christians:
BUT — 1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”
2. Only the Angels and the Father know when:
BUT – In Jewish wedding tradition, it is customary to respond to a question of when the wedding will occur with “I do not know, not even the angels but only Father knows”. Simply because the bride’s father sets the date of the wedding when he is satisfied that all things are ready. As the big wedding day approaches all is revealed… when the Father gives the all clear, the groom comes with a shout and a trump (Yom Teruah) and takes the bride away for 7 days….
3. No-one knows the day or the hour that He will come:
BUT – Yom Teruah – the Jewish Feast of which “no-one knows the day or the hour” . Also called: the day of the great shout, the day of awe, the day of trumpets – “THE HIDDEN DAY” ..
REMEMBER.. the feasts are HIS Mo’edim (Appointed Times) . for example::
(continue reading…)