End of The World :: He who has an ear let him hear ::
April 11th, 2013
by Vic on Aug.11, 2010, under God is Love, Spiritual Growth
John MacArthur – Living in Anticipation of Christ’s Return, Part 1
Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
To order prints visit her “Revelation Illustrated” site.
by Vic on Jul.30, 2010, under Spiritual Growth
Place For Scripture Booklets :: www.wmpress.org
Place for Tracts :: www.gospeltractsociety.org
by Vic on Jun.19, 2010, under Bema Seat, God is Love, Spiritual Growth
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
- Greg Laurie – Parable of The Minas – Store up Treasure in Heaven
- Randy Alcorn ! Eternal Perspective Ministries ! – Book on Heaven
- Crowns
- The Bema Seat 1
- Heaven PC Game Intro — *** Important note for guys *** be very careful of the girl in the presentation, lust is a deadly sin.
by Vic on Mar.26, 2010, under God is Love
Leave a Comment :Heaven more...by Vic on Mar.11, 2010, under God is Love
Who Will You Spend Eternity With?
Regarding Hell :::: Hell is the only bad decision/choice a person can make in life :::: According to Jesus, Most People make the bad choice — Craziness!!!! If a person really thinks about Hell sincerely for like 5 minutes, Insanity would be the only conclusion that would make sense.
— No Rest Day or Night Forever
— Possibly The Worst smell of Sulfur forever
— Burned in Fire Forever, possibly 2,000 Degree Fire
— Tormented in mind for blowing off God and Jesus and Losing Paradise, Heaven, Royalty, Glory and only left now with Agony and Fear, Torment and Defeat.
And it shall come to pass, that all who call upon the name of The Lord, shall be Saved.
This is from a Friend at Facebook :: This is a really good post about Hell ::
I think it is very important to remember that Hell was not created for man. It was created for the devil and his angels.
From what I have studied, I understand Hell to be a literal place where the forsaken soul who rejected the free gift of eternal life God offered through Jesus Christ on Calvary is confined to for eternity, still having all of the needs and desires of the mind, will & emotions, but no God to meet them.
Furthermore, deep inside of the mind , at the very moment of death, there is the intense realization it was not God’s will for them to enter into this separation from his goodness and sustainance, and full awareness of their own decision to ignore God’s warnings against rejecting his word…. See More
Their chances in life on earth to accept the remedy provided by God and throw themselves on the mercy of Christ are gone forever and their situation is without remedy. There is no going back. No more warmth of love, because that comes from the God they rejected. No more breath of life, because that comes from the God they rejected. No more daylight, or flowers, or mountains, or waterfalls. Thirst, but no water. No more rainbows, or stars, or heavens, or wonder, or beauty. No more hope to repent from the situation they face, all because of a single decision within their heart to reject the lord Jesus Christ and turn away from the heart of God.
There are those who may read this who are not right with God at this moment. Those who reject God, and are currently living life on their own terms… The message is clear. God is love. In him there is no darkness. Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did of Heaven. Once you take your last breath, will you lose your very soul by your own choice? You have to ask yourself. Is it worth it to tell yourself that God doesn’t exist? Is it worth it to say that there is no God, and live a life that ends at your last breath, only to enter in to eternal separation from God? That is a gamble that is not worth rolling the dice over.
Jesus’ arms are open wide, if you want to enter in to eternal life for free. It’s a free gift. Not something you earn. The Bible clearly states, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
There is fun in sin, no doubt, but it is only for a short season.
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