The Rapture :: The Feast of Trumpets :: The Ancient Jewish Wedding :: The Day That No Man Knows The Day or Hour = The Feast of Trumpets :)
October 19th, 2014
by Vic on Feb.23, 2013, under God is Love, The Rapture
The Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah — The Time Where it’s Highly Possible or Probable That Yeshua/Jesus Will Arrive for His Bride The Church 😀
Note If you are a Christian, you are a part of Israel too, part of the promise according to Abraham, Paul in Galatians even Calls the Church Spiritual Israel. The Church is Grafted into the Tree of Israel. Israel is the Root of the Christian Faith. So all Christians are part of Israel too. But all Christians are a New Creation in Jesus. (nothing with replacement theology).
During/at The Seven Year End of The World, (Daniel’s 70h Week) 1/3 of the Nation of Israel (or Jews in the world too?), (whom was re-established in 1948) — will turn to Jesus/Yeshua as their Messiah. 😀 🙂 😀
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The Tetrad of Blood Red Moons that were on God’s Feast Days in 2014/2015 Could Be a Major Thing — could have something to do with 2016.Â
Blessings to Zola! 😀 Saw him once or twice at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, FL, — worked over there a short time in the past when Marvin Rosenthal was the owner: — Note with video: The 13-14 minute mark, the Feast of Trumpets, is also known as the Day where no man knows the Day or the hour! 😀
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Video Below: Dr. David Reagan —
><> Maranatha ><>
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