The Rapture :: The Feast of Trumpets :: The Ancient Jewish Wedding :: The Day That No Man Knows The Day or Hour = The Feast of Trumpets :)
October 19th, 2014
by Vic on Aug.01, 2010, under End Times
Ezekiel’s Prophecy (Gog, Magog) Russia, (maybe Putin) — Iran and Others to attack Israel ~ Set To Occur in The Latter Years. (Iran Nuclear Reactor at Busheur via Russia)
On a visit to Saudi Arabia Mashaei (Ahmadenjad’s Chief of Staff) claimed that the annihilation of Israel should be a global goal. He told Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir that “the corrupt and criminal Zionist regime is harming not only the Arab and Islamic world, but all of humanity.” Ynetnews
by Vic on Feb.19, 2010, under End Times
PROPHECY DEPOT :: Article: Prophet Predicts Israel…..
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