Updated (12/27/14) -- 1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. (With The Lord !)
February 4th, 2012
by Vic on Jul.19, 2013, under God is Love
Surveillance Technology and the Coming Police State | By Don McGee | www.raptureready.com
Excerpts From Article: “One of the boldest indicators pointing to our living in the end time is the tsunami effect technology is having on humanity.”
“The main article in the May, 2012 CSM Newsletter was, “Building the Tribulation GESTAPO”. It pointed out that there is a parallel between what Hitler built for the subjugation and control of the masses in 1933 and what is being built today for the same purpose. The technology for massive surveillance is here,…”
“People do not care what the government does as long as there are no restrictions upon lust and greed. “Listen to my phone calls…follow me to the house of my neighbor’s wife…destroy the Bill of Rights…I don’t care…! Just let me live like I want…”
Scorn for Christians and the Bible. As proverbial light and salt, the lives and worldview of God’s people bring light into the dark…
When God removes the church from this earth the attitude of government and secular society will be, “Good riddance! Now, we can get on with what we want to do.”
…..Evil hearts, reprobate religious systems and tyrannical governments are compatible. Though there is no real love lost between them, still they can coexist because each can have what it wants in a godless, inclusive society. This is what is coming under Antichrist,…
picture can be clicked on for another view ><>
Antichrist will be history’s most notorious control-freak. The compulsory acceptance of his mark under penalty of death is proof of this.
From endoftheworld.net — The Democrats Slogan: “Forward” —- Their Forward is to No-Where, They want to go Forward Wthout God, Forward with Abortion, Forward with Homosexuality, Ultimately Forward To The Grave/Hell.
With Abortion: Jesus Blood Forgives All Sins, Christians a new creation in Jesus
><> ><> ><>
Jesus Return possibly drawing very near — U.S. $18+ Trillion in Debt. (1/1/15)
Jesus Return Like the Days of Lot — 35 States in the U.S. with Gay Marriage (1/1/15)
(Update: June 26, 2015 — Gay Marriage Entire Country)
The Anti-Christ may show up soon.
Revelation 3:10 Pre-Trib Rapture For The Faithful Christians, God willing ><>
Maranatha ><>
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