Rapture Of The Bride Of Jesus (Yeshua/Yah'shua's) Church -- Justin Martyr (ca.100-165 AD) "With our own eyes we behold things that have happened and are happening just as they were predicted" (First Apology 30).
December 27th, 2012
by Vic on Apr.21, 2010, under Bema Seat
I’ve written two other posts on the types of inheritance in Scripture, one based on the Old Testament and the other based on the New Testament. I should state what will be quite obvious to some: I’ve only scratched the surface of what there is to be said concerning inheriting and suffering loss in the Kingdom. I hope this will help open doors for those interested in the subject. The most serious and deadly practical aspect of this study is what success and failure mean for the believer in the future, a very, very real future that we are only moments away from at any given moment. Christ could come back, and you and I would stand before the Judge of all the Earth. Who will be judged at this event, what will this judgment be based on, and what will the results be?
via Work Out Your Salvation: Success, Failure, and the Results at the Judgment Seat.
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