Article: Rapture Signs? ::: From:
The thing that makes the Rapture almost a sure certainty is that in Scripture it is
written that we are to be on the Watch for Jesus because one of His Returns is going to happen as a Surprise.
This is where a Distinction is made between those who have the right Biblical Interpretation/Theological Understanding of Bible Prophecy (or Eschatology – The Study of End Time Things) :::: and those who don’t ::::
With Bible Prophecy — If you get this right, you will understand how “The End of The World” Develops/Happens.
Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy is Perhaps the Greatest Prophecy in The Bible — The Prophecy states that when a 7 Year Peace Deal/Covenant is confirmed with Israel and (Others) “The Many”ย — The End Of All Things Will Take Place (With-in a 7 Year Time Frame)
In Essence there will be absolutely Zero Surprise of knowing when Jesus will Return. Because at the End of The 7 Year Peace Deal or 42 Months from when the Anti-Christ enters a To Be Built New Temple in Jerusalem ~~ Jesus Will Return at Armageddon, then Set up His Kingdom on Earth for 1,000 Years !!!!! So this is a Total Known & Exact Time of when Jesus Returns !
The Surprise Return of Jesus is The Rapture, this can happen at any time before the Anti-Christ Confirms a Peace Deal with Israel and “The Many” !!!!ย The Peace Deal could happen at any Time ! Meaning the Rapture Has: “Serious Possible Overtones of Occurring Soon” ๐
Maranatha !! ๐
note: The Rapture happens as a Total Surprise.ย One of Jesus Returns in The Bible is likened unto a Thief Striking ~ At an Unknown Time, That’s why Christians are to always be on the Watch for Jesus To Return, as a Wise Bridesmaid, having Oil in Our Lamps ~ Matthew 25:1-13
The Watching for Jesus to Return at an Unknown Time, is in Stark Contrast of Knowing Exactly When Jesus is Going to Return, from Understanding Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy ~ In that Jesus Returns 7 (Exact) Years from the Signing/Confirming of a Peace Treaty with Israel by the Anti-Christ
We could put the whole 2nd Coming of Jesus Return into Semantics and be like, well The Bible is talking about the Whole 7 Year End being as the Surprise to Watch for, in having to Watch for Jesus To Return ~~ Well if that’s true, cool ๐ ~~ But The Rapture still seems to make the most sense ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ Revelation 3:10 ~ Because thou hast kept the Word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of trial that shall try all those who dwell on the earth.
{While the Tribulation is taking place on earth, in Heaven The Saints will most likely be at The Bema Seat and at their Mansions, with the Marriage Supper of The Lamb happening, maybe right before our Return to Earth or happening on Earth after our Return} ~~ We will Return with Jesus on White Horses accompanying Him from Heaven, as Jesus wages war at Armageddon ~~
Revelation 19:9 And He saith unto me, write, Blessed (To Be Envied) are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of The Lamb, And He saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God.
Maranatha ๐ !!!!!!! ๐ !!!!!!! ๐ !!!!!!!! ๐
key point :: The Rapture is going to happen as a Surprise and Christians are to Always be Ready ๐
The Bible says too, that Christians are not in Darkness that “That Day” (The Day of The Lord { End of The World Stuff } [ You could even say the Rapture too ] ) should overtake us as a Thief — 1 Thessalonians 5:4 :::::::::::::: Being everything that is
happening in the World in Relation to The Bible/Bible Prophecy, The Rapture Could Be Soon ! ๐
p.s. Even if the Rapture doesn’t happen, no big deal, because the End is only 7 Years long, and if we are alive and see A 7 Year Peace Deal signed with Israel and Others by a single person (The Anti-Christ) then cool – that means only 7 years left ๐ But the end is going to be really bad – lots of people will die.
The Rapture makes the most sense, because The Bible says we are caught up to meet Jesus in the Air 1Thessalonians 4:16,17 ~~ When Jesus Returns at Armageddon, His Feet touch down on The Mt. of Olives in Jerusalem, splitting the Mountain in two.
That wouldn’t make a lot of sense, to be Raptured up to the air at Armageddon, then come right back down to earth ~~ Plus if that did happen, who would be the people who would enter in to populate the Millennium, if everyone is in a Glorified State? ๐
Lastly, an Article on Rapture Timings ๐ The Rapture happening during the Trib: Mid or Pre-Wrath – doesn’t make a lot of sense either, because the Surprise Element of Jesus Return is significantly reduced. A person who knows Bible Prophecy would know that Jesus would be Returning in a Known 3-1/2 To 7 Year Window of Time.ย
Maranatha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐