Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. | Psalm 83 & Ezekiel 38/39
June 14th, 2012
by Vic on Aug.02, 2010, under End Times
Such evil has been far more prevalent than people have believed, even several times greater than the number killed in all of this century’s wars. Just consider that alone 61,911,000 people were murdered by the Soviet Union, 38,702,000 by the Chinese communists, 10,214,000 by the Chinese Nationalists, 17,000,000 by the German Nazis, and 5,890,000 by the Japanese militarists during World War II.
This does not even exhaust the list of this century’s mega-murderers, which also would include the past governments of Turkey, Cambodia, Pakistan, Yugoslavia; nor does it include the lesser killers responsible for hundreds of thousands of corpses each, such as past governments of Uganda, Indonesia, Albania, Burundi, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Hungary, Romania, Spain, and Vietnam. Then there are the numerous third-class murders who have “only” killed in the tens of thousands.
In sum well over 100,000,000 people have been murdered by their governments since 1900, several times greater than the 35,654,000 battle-dead from all the foreign and domestic wars fought in these years, including World Wars I and II. — (Possibly 174 Million Murdered by Government from 1900-1999)
Many explanations have been offered for such killing, but I contend that most fundamentally the root cause is arbitrary, undisciplined power in the hands of tyrants.
(This is going to be The Anti-Christ during the End of The World, he is going to have total control for the last 3-1/2 Years of Life as people know it — and he may kill mercilessly)
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