Updated: 4/2/18 :: Luke 23:31 - For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? The End Cometh, Possibly 65+ Million Abortions over 45 Years in The USA -- Perilous Times Are Here and have been here.
January 28th, 2013
by Vic on Mar.11, 2010, under God is Love
Catalog of Sin (List of Sins)
35 Reasons Not To Sin (have to see about keeping this link)
Sin Effects:
– Loss at The Bema Seat
– Grieve Friendship with God
– Struggle/Suffering Consequence
– Chastisement or Possible Chastisement from God.
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Obedience to God = Love, Victory, Peace
The Peaceable Fruit of Righteousness
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