God is Love : )
December 21st, 2014
by Vic on Oct.16, 2009, under End Times
Reuter’s Article: http://www.reuters.com/article/GCA-Iran/idUSTRE58F2WG20090916
The Iran Factor – Ahamidenjad’s End Time Theology – Nuclear Bomb & The Mahdi http://endoftheworld.net/Jesus/?p=368
Joel Richardson: Islamic Anti-Christ (Mahdi) — http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=106046
Jack Kinsella – www.omegaletter.com
Excerpt taken from — Vol: 19 Issue: 28 – Monday, September 28, 2009…….. Iran’s end-game appears to be war. It doesn’t want to discuss concessions. It isn’t interested in trading its nuclear program for the lifting of sanctions. Iran doesn’t want improved relations with the West.
It appears that Ahmadinejad and the rest of the mad mullahs’ end-game is war. There is no effort to curtail Ahmadinejad’s threats against Israel by the clerics that allegedly run things in Iran. Ahmadinejad’s rants appear to have the full blessing of the ruling elite.
They appear unconcerned, or at least, at peace with, the idea that Ahmadinejad believes it is his destiny to start the war of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam who will return to ride at the head of a vast Islamic army of conquest.
Ahmadinejad believes Mahdi Army will ultimately defeat the infidel world and usher in a period of Islamic peace and tranquility – a kind of Islamic Millennial Kingdom – while Ahmadinejad and his cronies go straight to Paradise.
But to get there, they have to start a global conflagration impressive enough to summon him from his ‘occultative’ state….
The people in Islam who Believe in this Person called the Mahdi might just be confined to People named: Twelvers – They have maybe like an Apocalpytic view with-in Islam I will say, where they think if they create chaos { A Nuke To Destroy Israel } they will bring back this person called the Mahdi (who is like hiding in a well or something since maybe the 5th Century) – Interesting to note that 95% of Muslims in Iran can be Characterized as Twelvers.
This Mahdi in Islam may be equivalent to The Anti-Christ of The Bible. This person whom the Muslims think is going to be their Savior, is in actuality going to be the Evil Anti-Christ of the Bible who makes a 7 Year Peace Deal with Israel. The Anti-Christ will seem Peaceful for the First 3-1/2 years, but after that it will be Destruction.
This is how it may be:
So Summed up: During the End Islam is going to think that The Anti-Christ and His Partner are going to be like the or their Savior’s of The World, But in Actuality Destruction and Doom is what will be the Consequence — Craziness!!!!!!!!!
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