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October 19th, 2014
by Vic on Jul.26, 2010, under God is Love
He who Loves God DESIRES HIS PRESCENCE. Lovers cannot be long apart, they soon have their fainting fits, for want of a sight of the object of their love. A soul deeply in love with God desires the enjoyment of Him in His ordinances, in word, prayer, and sacraments. David was ready to faint away and die when he had not a sight of God. “My soul fainteth for God” (Psalm 84:2). Such as care not for ordinances, but say, “When will the Sabbath be over?” plainly reveal their lack of love to God.
He who loves God DOES NOT LOVE SIN. “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil.” (Psalm 97:10). The love of God, and the love of sin, can no more mix together than iron and clay. Every sin loved, strikes at the being of God; but he who loves God, has a hatred of sin. He who would part two lovers is a hateful person. God and the believing soul are two lovers; sin parts between them, therefore the soul is implacably set against it. By this try your love to God. How could Delilah say she loved Samson, when she entertained correspondence with the Philistines, who were his mortal enemy?
He who loves God IS NOT MUCH WITH ANYTHING ELSE. His love is very cool to worldly things. (continue reading…)
by Vic on Mar.09, 2010, under God is Love
Intimacy With Our Heavenly Father
READ | John 1:12-13
From the beginning, God intended to have an intimate, loving relationship with us. What evidence do we have that this is His desire?
His Son. One reason Christ came to earth is for us to know and relate to God the Father. The Bible tells us that Jesus is His exact representation; His words and works were the same as God’s (John 5:19; John 12:50). Therefore, when we look at the Son, we are seeing the character of our heavenly Father.
Invitation. Through the Scriptures, God invites us to join His family (John 3:16). He took care of all the arrangements; our part is to say yes.
Adoption. The closest tie we can have with one another is family. At salvation, the Lord adopts us into His own. This relationship with our heavenly Father lasts for eternity, providing us with support, encouragement, and love.
Friendship. By calling His disciples “friends” (John 15:15), Jesus revealed a new aspect to their relationship, which applied to His future followers as well. Christ is a forever friend, one who will never desert or turn away from us.
His Presence. From the moment of our salvation, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He is even closer to us than any earthly kin can be.
The Lord invites us to become family through faith in Christ. This is our highest calling—to believe in Him and live for Him all of our days (John 20:31). Once we become God’s children, His Spirit will work in us to make our family resemblance stronger and clearer in thought, word, and deed.
Jim :: Facebook
by Vic on Dec.25, 2009, under God is Love
YHWH is often referred to as the Ineffable Name, the Unutterable Name or the Distinctive Name. Linguistically, it is associated with the Hebrew root Heh-Yod-Heh, “to be,” which shows that God is eternal.
In the Bible, this Name is used when discussing God’s relation with human beings, and when emphasizing His qualities of loving kindness and grace.
The author of “Cups of Light and Other Illustrations” tells this story about the name of God:
I once started to study Hebrew with a Jewish rabbi friend of mine. In the Hebrew language there is a word that is known as the ineffable name for God. It is so sacred that a devout Jew will never pronounce it out loud; it is too sacred to be taken on human lips.
Instead of pronouncing the name the way it is written, my friend instructed me to say Adonai, meaning “Jehovah” or “Master.” I later learned that an orthodox Jew will not even pronounce this word, but will say a word like Shekanyah, meaning “the One who dwells with us,” instead.
One day as I was reading a passage in Hebrew, I came to the ineffable name for God. And I forgot what the rabbi had told me. I didn’t say Adonai or Shekanyah; I said the word the way it was written. My rabbi friend shouted, “NO!” Then he said, “Please, that is the ineffable name for God. It is too sacred to be taken on human lips. Please say Adonai instead.”
I apologized. I would not willingly offend him or his religious convictions. I promised I would never pronounce the ineffable name for God out loud again, and I have kept my promise. In a world where there is so little reverence toward everything sacred, it is comforting to know there is this much reverence left for the name of God.
I wish some of my Christian friends had something of this same reverence for the name of God and of God’s son, Jesus Christ, so that when they spoke these names they would do so in utter reverence.
“But,” I said to my friend, “would you not agree that a better way to do honor to the name of God is not just to refrain from saying a particular word, but to live a godly life?
After all, the Psalmist says, ‘He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.’ That is what really does honor to the name of God—to walk in paths of righteousness.”
One’s claim of inner grace must be matched by one’s outward show of goodness toward others.
And he agreed.
In a similar way, as one of the New Testament writers reminds us, what good would it do to say we hold God in reverence if we despise our brother who also is beloved of God (1 John 4:20)?
In a sense, one cannot be Christian alone. One must be Christian toward someone. Of course, Christian impulses must begin within a person, but one’s feelings can only be made evident by the way that individual relates to his or her neighbor as well as to God.
Someone has said you cannot measure Christianity with just a plumb line. You must use a try square, which enables a person to verify a right angle. There must be a vertical line between God and the believer. There must also be a horizontal line between the believer and other people.
Think how Jesus taught us to pray: “Forgive us our debts.” There you have the line between God and the one who prays. “As we forgive our debtors.” There you have the qualifying line between the person and others.
Or again, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance [the line between God and the believer] so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work [the line between the believer and others]” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
One’s confession must be matched by one’s character.
One’s profession must be matched by one’s performance.
One’s upreach must be matched by one’s outreach.
YHWH is our Healer, Provider, Protector, Sustainer, Guide, Shepherd, Keeper, etc., as well as our Savior through His Son Jesus. I have no problem calling Yeshua’ Y’shua, Lord, or Jesus. He is the Son of God our Redeemer, therefore, it is really irrelevant what His name is translated into, since we know very well Who is being spoken of. He is Daddy, Father, Papa, My Lord the I AM.
I Am 365 Names, Characteristics and Attributes of God
John Paul Jackson identified 365 names of God in I AM: 365 Names of God Book and suggests that the reader meditate on a different one each day. When I pick up the book and begin
Have you ever heard John Paul Jackson read theI AM: 365 Names of God CD? It is awesome! Click here for listen.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
I AM the GOD who shows wonders
I AM the Lord and my voice is powerful and full of majesty
I AM GOD- nothing is too hard for me
I AM GOD who made all MY wonderful works to be remembered
I AM GOD and my Glory thunders
I AM the Spirit of knowledge and understanding…
I AM the Holy Spirit that moved upon the deep
I AM worthy of worship, glorious and incomparable
I AM GOD who makes himself known through visions
I AM dynamis power
I AM the giver of all revelation
I AM glorious and full of weighty splendour
I AM HE- that ascended to the Father
I AM the triune GOD of Israel
I AM GOD who performs signs
I AM GOD who speaks in night seasons
I AM the King of Glory
I AM HE who searches the mind and heart
I AM great and greatly to be praised
I AM YAH and Yahweh
I AM the creator of all true worship
I AM wisdom
I AM omniscient
I AM the Lord who stretches out the heavens
I AM GOD who speaks
I AM Jehovah Rava, your healer
I AM GOD who declares new things before they spring forth
I AM the answer of your tongue
I AM prophecy fulfilled- never early- never late
I AM GOD who gives you dreams
I AM above all who were thought to be GodsGOD OF SYMBOLS
I AM found in my appointed feasts
I AM the anointing oil
I AM the bright cloud that comes to you
I AM the Synagogue, Church, Tabernacle and Temple
I AM the living water of life
I AM the Shofar trumpet
I AM the fountain of Israel
I AM Israel’s living star
I AM the Passover
I AM the Ark of the Covenant
I AM the door
I AM the altar of the Tabernacle
I AM the bomb of Gilead
I AM the Rose of Sharon
I AM the tree of life
I AM the GOD of Bethel
I AM the Lily of the Valley
I AM GOD who…or assigned between you and ME
I AM the rainbow’s colour
I AM the rock, there is no other
I AM the Glory and the cloud of the Temple
I AM the bread of life
I AM your rock- full of living water
I AM the light of the world
I AM a consuming fire
I AM the North, your promoter
I AM the bright and morning star
I AM the light, luminous, glowing and radiant oneGOD OF MERCY
I AM GOD who is merciful
I AM favour and I grant favour to whom I choose
I AM GOD of the…
I AM the prince of peace prophesied by the prophet Isaiah
I AM GOD who restores your soul
I AM the friend of sinners
I AM GOD- I tempt no one
I AM the GOD of peace
I AM HE who weeps with those who weep
I AM HE who speaks from a position of mercy
I AM longsuffering
I AM my Spirit
I AM gracious
I AM the forgiver of all transgressions
I AM the Manna which came down from heaven
I AM the breath that gives you life
I AM HE who will not remember your sins
I AM the beloved in the Song of Songs
I AM GOD who stretches out his hand
I AM the liberty you see through my Spirit
I AM ever faithful
I AM GOD in the midst of your land
I AM the forgiver of inequity
I AM abundant in mercy
I AM the altar of peace for your fear
I AM the Lord who makes wise the simple
I AM GOD who is daily full of new mercy
I AM GOD who comforts you
I AM GOD of the poor and stranger
I AM gentle and lowly in heart
I AM GOD who exercises love and kindness
I AM the enemy of the enemies of Israel
I AM saviour of both: the gentiles and the Jews
I AM HE before whom every knee will bow
I AM the battle standard
I AM your sharp two-edge sword
I AM your battle cry
I AM a warrior and MY kingdom is spread by force
I AM the Lord mighty in battle
I AM the one who annihilates Satan’s plans
I AM the spirit of might
I AM the master planner of all nations and kingdoms
I AM HE who leads you for MY great Name’s sake
I AM the conqueror of death, hell and the grave
I AM both: warrior and poet
I AM the supreme GOD, deliverer and possessor
I AM the Lord of hosts
I AM the kingdom, the power and the glory
I AM GOD who cast out nations before you
I AM commander and chief of all heavens armies
I AM HE who drives out the wicked before you
I AM the defender of those who believe in ME
I AM your strength
I AM the lamb sitting on the throne
I AM your victorious banner
I AM the fullness of greatness, power, glory, victory, and majesty
I AM GOD almighty and infinite in strength
I AM your mighty shield
I AM the lion of the tribe of Judah
I AM the sword of the Spirit
I AM your high tower
I AM the defender of Israel
I AM your fortress
I AM omnipotent
So Holy
Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1 John 4:13-16).
Shabbat Shalom,
by Vic on Dec.18, 2009, under God is Love
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