Matthew 25 Rapture Blog

Tag: Feast of Trumpets 2015 Possible Pre-Trib Rapture

The Feast of Trumpets 2015 — Though the Rapture did not happen this year, this post may still be or is a Blessing. (updated May 2018)

by on Sep.18, 2014, under God is Love

Shalom đŸ™‚

Daniel’s 70th Week (Peace With Israel) is the thing that matters or may matter most. Keeping attuned to any peace activity with Israel = wise. — (Article 9/19/14)

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Johnathan CahnShemita (video – recommend) Book

Johnathan Cahn Shemita Videos: 1 2 3 4

The video above is very interesting (2 Hour 9 Minute mark to The End) — Possible Revelation/Insight/Illumination.

Mark is stating that Daniel’s 70th Week will happen from the beginning to the End of a 7 Year Shemitah Cycle.

My personal thought is that it is a very interesting possibility, and it could be.

If true, then next year (Trumpets 2015) The End could really begin — Being that it could be or is the start of a new 7 year Shemittah Cycle.

If it doesn’t, then the next time Daniel’s 70th Week would fall in line with a 7 Year Shemitah Cycle would be 2022 (at Trumpets).

This is if Daniel’s 70th Week falls in-line with a 7 Year Shemitah Cycle, which it could (Mark thinks it will — he could maybe be right, but I’m not 100% dogmatic on it, but I’m right there thinking that it could be)

picture can be clicked on for bigger view — picture link

This is possibly Profound stuff.

Jesus said not one jot nor tittle will pass from the Law till all is ful-filled.

Shemita Article

Romans 11:18 says: Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, (are arrogant) thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

The Root are the Jews, (The Hebraic Nature of The Faith) saying the Jews support/undergird the faith.

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(Note with video: The 13-14 minute mark, the Feast of Trumpets, is also known as the Day where no man knows the Day or the hour!)

Next Year at Trumpets could be Major, if not and Daniel’s 70th Week does fall in-line with a Shemittah Cycle, than 2022 at Trumpets would be the next best Watch Time for Daniel’s 70th Week and a Pre-Trib Rapture (God willing).

Daniel 12:4 – But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

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Trumpets 2015 Could Be Important ><>

Keeping a Serious Eye on Israel in Relation To Peace = Wise

Extra Oil For The Lamps at Trumpets 2015 the call, if nothing happens, Keeping Extra Oil, Going Forward the call (The U.S. may be drawing in on $18 Trillion in Debt) ><>

The Forward:

1. Each Day

2. Each Feast of Trumpets

3. The Feast of Trumpets in Relation to the Metonic Cycle 1 2 

4. The Feast of Trumpets in Relation to The Shemita

Shalom, Maranatha 🙂

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The Tetrad of Blood Red Moons

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Note with a Jubilee year: Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel may have 2016 or 2017 as a Jubilee Year. 2022 could also maybe be a Jubilee year.

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“The Year of Jubilee, initiated at the close of the Feast Of Atonement, looks to the restoration of Israel by the Messiah, and to the resulting messianic Kingdom of peace.” —

{A Jubilee year begins at Atonement (‘Armageddon’) — (Leviticus 25:9-13) — 10 days after Trumpets (The Hopeful Time of a Pre-Trib Rapture 🙂 )} — The Feast of Tabernacles, a picture of the Millennial – 1,000 year Reign of Jesus, begins 5 days after Atonement in any normal year it may be.

(The Millennial Reign may begin in a Jubilee Year)

If a Jubilee Year is in 2022 — it could be more relevant to the Rapture, if the Rapture happens in 2022.

If a Jubilee Year is in 2029, then it could be for the Millennial Reign, if the Rapture happens in 2022.

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