It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
— Patrick Henry

More Souls wind up in Hell for sins against Purity (sins of the flesh) than for any other sin.
The Destruction of America: Abortion/Prescription Drugs/Hollywood, Radio & TV Immorality/Pornography/Divorce/The Gov’t, Courts, and Schools – In kicking God out of Everything/Evolution…..
The Following is From:
Porn is a big business and its claws grip both sexes……
“Every 39 seconds a new pornographic video is being made. There are 1.5 billion pornographic Internet downloads a month. Between the years 2005 and 2006 the pornography business increased by an almost a billion dollars. Men are viewed as having this addiction, but women are affected as well. 40 million adults in the United States regularly visit pornography sites. Of those 40 million only 10% (four million adults) admitted to having a sexual addiction to pornography. Of the four million adults who admitted to having a sexual addiction problem, 680,000 are women. 17% of the 680,000 women say they struggle with pornography addiction. This is the same number of women who are addicted to alcohol or drugs.”
For many people porn is a drug…one that demands and derails, destroys and dements. It’s both lover and abuser…it offers the world for free but takes the soul for payment.
Here are some folks that spend a lot of time and resources on helping people find freedom and balance in their inner lives. and here is a online program to help you begin the journey out of darkness and into the light: