The Day That No man knows the Day or The Hour - Only The Father | Traditional Bible Prophecy vs Hebraic Roots
June 7th, 2011
by Vic on Aug.31, 2010, under End Times, God is Love, Spiritual Growth, The Rapture
The Number 7
The Epistle of Barnabas ! –– The Book of Enoch has something similar too.
The Number 7 is The Number of Completion (7 Continents, 7 Spirits of God, 7 Candles on The Menorah, 7 Days of The Week, 7 Year Tribulation, 7 Feasts of YHWH)
We could be at the 6,000th Year on earth — One day to God is like a 1,000 Years and a 1,000 Years as 1 Day — The 7th Day is the Day of Rest (The Sabbath) – This may Equal The Millennial Reign, the 7,000th Year.
The Epistle of Barnabas is saying that in 6,000 Years God is going to Finish everything. has 2014/2015 as the 6,000th year it may be.
Here is The Book of Enoch :: Read Chapters 33 and 29 ! — In Enoch it says or says something like: Time revolves around 7, and the 8th Day, there will be no more counting of time.
You could say right around now (the year 2015) is 6,000 Years, then the 1,000 Year Millennial Reign – which then equals 7,000 years.
Rapture Ready – 7 Signs of The End Times
Keep on The Watch for Jesus/Yahshua/Yeshua The Bridegroom !
by Vic on Aug.28, 2010, under God is Love, Spiritual Growth, The Rapture
Leave a Comment Vic on Aug.26, 2010, under God is Love, Spiritual Growth
Leave a Comment Vic on Aug.25, 2010, under God is Love, Spiritual Growth
Leave a Comment Vic on Aug.21, 2010, under God is Love, The Rapture
The Truth of The Scripture Verse Above is perhaps one of The Greatest Truths in The Bible. When a Christian Matures and begins to understand like me, who has stayed single for Jesus 🙂 that we are really in essence Engaged/Married to Jesus right now — This Truth will Change a Believer’s entire outlook on living the Christian Life or Better said will be Better Footing in fighting off temptation — in that every time Satan tempts us with Lust or we are just tempted, it is easier to say no — Because now we know that we are in an Engagement/Marriage Relationship with Jesus and just like a regular Marriage – Faithfulness to the Spouse in Thought and Deed is where all the Honor is !!!!!!!! 🙂
BETROTHING :::: The engagement of a man and woman to marry each other at a future time. — The Bride Of Christ
Wedding Feasts :::: Lasted usually for a whole week ::: (parallel to The 7 Years in Heaven, while the 7 Year Tribulation/End of The World is Taking Place on Earth) ::: The most honoured guests sit nearest, others behind; After the first circle have satisfied themselves with food those lower in honour sit down….
Could Be This :::
1. During the 7 Years in Heaven — Consecrated as Priests after the Order of Melchizedek
2. Bema Seat – Rewards or No Rewards — Those that do well May be decked out with Jewels for the Marriage Supper. – Pray for me ! 🙂
3. The Marriage Supper of The Lamb will be for a whole year – The last year in Heaven before the Return for the Millennial Kingdom on Earth.
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