Oklahoma Tornado F5 --- The End of The World/Day of The Lord Coming In Majorly (Like a Flood) ::: All that is Left To say to the World is: Repent ASAP ! ---- Doom & Woe approaches quickly ----
May 27th, 2013
by Vic on Mar.21, 2013, under God is Love
Joel Rosenberg ::::: BREAKING: Secret Iranian nuclear site previously unknown to Western intelligence revealed… | flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com “Iranian scientists are working on nuclear warheads — and trying to perfect them — at an underground site unknown to the West, according
Khamenei: Iran will destroy Tel Aviv if attacked | www.jpost.com
Minister Shalom: Israel will be an Energy Superpower – Latest News Briefs – Israel National News | www.israelnationalnews.com
The Bible says about the Prophecy, The Leader of Russia who is the leader of many people with him (other Countries) that come up against Israel in the Latter Times — come in for a spoil and a prey.
Ezekiel 38 | studylight.org
by Vic on Mar.17, 2013, under God is Love
Israel and Peace Developments towards Daniel’s 70th Week: Obama in Israel March 2013.
Daniel’s 70th Week Watch: Article – 9/19/14
Israel ready for ‘historic compromise’ with Palestinians, Netanyahu says | www.washingtonpost.com
A Headline like that in this year and on-ward is possible serious End of The World business ><> Rapture/Daniel’s 70th Week maybe soon ><>
White House: Obama is ‘serious’ about a peace commitment | www.jpost.com
Daniel 9:27 could entail: The Palestinians being given their own State with East Jerusalem as the Capital.
Daniel 9:27 = The Anti-Christ confirming a Covenant with Israel/Many for 1 Week (7 Years) – the last Week of Daniel’s 70th Week Prophecy, which is perhaps the Greatest Prophecy in the Bible.
The Prophecy Ful-fills with these last three points occurring:
– To Bring In Everlasting Righteousness,
– To Seal Up The Vision And Prophecy,
– To Anoint The Most Holy.Israel’s Netanyahu says new government wants peace – news.yahoo.com
Netanyahu backs two states for two peoples; Obama keeps ‘all options open’ on Iran | www.timesofisrael.com
US Pres. Obama in Israel: ‘Peace Must Come to Holy Land’ | www.israelnationalnews.com
1 Thessalonians 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, (maybe even the Feasts) brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; (highly possible Daniel 9:27’s – Seven Year End of The World Peace Deal – Confirmed by The Anti-Christ With Israel & The Many (maybe like The EU, UN) then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Obama: ‘Palestinians Deserve A State Of Their Own’ | washington.cbslocal.com
White House map ‘erases’ Jerusalem, biblical territories | www.wnd.com
Kerry to return to Israel after Obama visit to discuss peace talks with Netanyahu | www.haaretz.com
Jacob’s Trouble, Elijah and maybe Moses or Enoch, and The 144,000 Jewish Witnesses of the Book of Revelation could be on the way soon.
Obama The Anti-Christ? Maybe
– Stout more than his fellows (may be portrayed with his face/nose in the air in a picture(s)).
– Will not give the desire of women (desire of women in Jesus day, was to have a child — Obama, Pro-Abortion)
The Rapture will hopefully happen before the Anti-Christ is revealed, so Christians today may not find out who the Anti-Christ is – this would be a Blessing 🙂
Maranatha ><>
by Vic on Mar.16, 2013, under End Times, God is Love
St. Malachy’s Prophecy Final Pope: Peter The Roman:
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (which could be Rome or maybe the World [7 Continents]) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
Cardinal Bergoglio, has taken the name of Pope Francis I, which may check out to be Peter The Roman —
From a friend and additions by me: ‘Victor, after doing a bit of research on the new Pope I wanted to share this with you. He (Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina) chose the name Francis based on Saint Francis (of Assisi): Saint Francis (Italian Saint) of Assisi’s Birth name was: Francesco di Pietro or PETRO (Peter) di Bernardone. His father’s name was PIETRO (PETER).
This may be the Swiss Guard, at The Vatican before the Arrival of the Pope in Presenting Himself or Addressing those Gathered at St. Peter’s Square it may be.
Pope Francis I, (Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was born into a middle-class family of seven, his father an ITALIAN immigrant railway worker and his mother a housewife. (The new pope was born of Italian (ROMAN) parents. He is 100% ROMAN).
So, although he did not blatantly name himself Peter The Roman, the intent is clear. This would qualify him as a “Peter the Roman” He named himself after St. Francis of Assisi (Peter) and his family is of Italian decent by blood. | [There is a Papal Basilica St. Francis of Assisi too – which is in Assisi, Italy where St. Francis of the 12th & 13th Century was born & died]
Pope Francis history’s ‘final’ pontiff? | www.worldnetdaily.com
If the Prophecy is True, and Pope Francis I is Peter The Roman, and The Last Pope (and he doesn’t get Raptured) then this is it.
This is interesting, In relation to Petrus Romanus:
“Francis of Assisi is known for Rocca Maggiore, which means Big Rock, which is the meaning of the name “Peter,” so, Pope Francis is named for Francis of Assisi – Francis of Big Rock.” source
This is Interesting also: Because The Pope Is In The Chair of St. Peter, and the Vatican is in Rome, by Default The Pope Is Automatically Peter The Roman, no matter his name/Pope name 😀
In reference to Pope Francis I, ‘Cardinal’ middle name: (Mario) and last name (Bergoglio) — this gives him ‘Roman’ credibility {Italian names}.
Maranatha ><> Rapture Soon, God Willing ><>
source info:
www.britannica.com – Saint Francis of Assisi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_of_San_Francesco_d’Assisi
by Vic on Mar.15, 2013, under God is Love
In Tribute/Honor To Jack Kinsella at Omega Letter – www.omegaletter.com
I’m kind of in dis-belief that Jack has died. I kind of can’t believe it to be honest, I don’t know when it will be that I will believe it 😀 — Jack staying alive until the Rapture was hopefully the call — he was only 60 it may be. He was a Major Bible Prophecy Person —- God may have taken Jack Home Early to Bless Him 😀 If he is in Heaven he’s not caring about anything 😀 hopefully – (I drove him crazy a little bit maybe though – lol’s :)). Jesus may have to empty out the Treasury to Him at The Bema Seat 😀 ><> Rejoice my Brother/Friend/Father in The Lord !!!!!!!!! ><>
May God Bless you ><>
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