A Possible Preview of The Lake of Fire -- (video of a lava lake) Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
September 29th, 2012
by Vic on Apr.04, 2009, under End Times
I posted this at 3 Christian Forums, about a week + ago: OmegaLetter, RaptureReady & EndTimesRoundtable —
Hello Everyone!!!
I’ve got something to say 🙂
I was thinking about America, the people and Immorality yesterday –
Thinking of this verse too: Train up a child in the way he/she should go and when they get old they will not depart from it.
I think America has being sowing the Wind for maybe the Last 100 Years.
Right now, honestly I think America is Reaping the Whirlwind.
– The TV Shows I think have crossed over to Good-Bye God and Hello We don’t care about What is Right anymore….
– The Family (The Building Block of Society) is MIA. Single Mothers possibly rule the day. Kids have probably grown up since the 50’s/60’s with Major Compromise in relation to choosing God being the way. Rock and Roll Music, The 60’s – Immorality, No More Prayer in School — 80’s = No More 10 Commandments in School.
– Immorality and Self is really like the Rule of The Day too – *Divorce is at 50% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– *Abortion is nearing 50 Million !!!!!! in the USA
– Pornography is really bad.
– Homosexuality is attacking in waves.
America is Self-Destructing before our very eyes.
It’s like America – the Frog in the Boiling Pot of Water -being boiled/Destroyed alive, and not realizing it at all.
Adrian Rogers, had the Message of all Messages recently – Called: The Decline of A Nation. (link below)
He outlined everything that has happened in America, with Satan taking the Life or Stealing Life/Jesus/Eternal Life from The Country/Kids/School since maybe the 60’s.
Everything Right has been Substituted/Counterfeited by Satan. Life has been Hi-Jacked in America by Satan.
Dr. David Jeremiah said about the Anti-Christ that he would make his apperance when evil was Dramatic, when it would be bad, like at it’s worst, (I can’t see anything getting better in America, I think Evil right now is almost at it’s worst in America) and that we would see he may of said, Tribulation stuff happening or beginning (like bleeding through) before the Trib would Start.
You guys should listen to this Message by Adrian Rogers:
March 24, 2009 (Archives)
We may seriously be getting close to the Rapture.
p.s. As Far as Obama being President, I think for real that Evil has now gone Possibly MainStream Dramatic.
* If you are a Christian, no condemnation intended — Jesus Blood Forgives All Sins!
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