Special Post For Everyone Who Does Evangelism & All Christians !
April 29th, 2013
by Vic on May.13, 2018, under End Times
Hello 🙂
It’s possible that the year of 2025 and the years of 2029/2030 could be Important in Relation to the Rapture – Revelation 3:10
Right Now, I’m Hoping for a Rapture in 2025 at the Feast of Trumpets.
However, the U.N. may want a World Gov’t (NWO) in or by 2030, which could be very significant. (UN Agenda 2030)
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
To order prints visit her “Revelation Illustrated” site.
www.revelationillustrated.comConsiderations for 2025:
- The Planet NEPTUNE ! (Biblical Astronomy – Genesis 1:14) ‘the god of the sea,’ has like a 160 year orbit, and is entering the Constellation Cetus (The Sea Monster) !, presently in 2023 — aka: The Beast from the Sea – The Anti-Christ — Cetus is tied onto Pisces (The Two Houses of Israel), as the Anti-Christ is all tied into the Synagogue of Satan who are in high command in Israel at the moment/present time.
- 2030 is when Neptune will be more Prominent with the two Constellations — 2025 however could be a kick-off.
- The Illuminati with their Predictive Programming or Externalization of the Hierarchy possibly — have 9/23 as ‘the day hell arrives’ — 9/23/25 is Rosh Hashana/The Feast of Trumpets — The Feast of where the Rapture could seriously happen.
Looking at Biblical Astronomy though (‘The Star Chart’) for 9/23/25, doesn’t really give me any Rapture Zeal. Looking at the Biblical Astronomy Sky Chart for 9/29/2030 however makes me start thinking — (That is the day of Rosh Hashana that year).
{A side note, I saw or read something on Facebook possibly, that said: ‘Do they know about 9/23’ — maybe this does away with the zero’s and is talking about Sept. 2030}.
The Illuminati say or believe, they will have the world in their back-pocket between 2028-2030.
The line above is from a possible serious source — Doc Marquis who was a witch in the Illuminati, now a Born again Bible Prophecy Christian – (however it’s possible he may still be with the Illuminati but do not know).
The Illuminati are or most likely are going to be the one’s responsible for bringing about/in the Reign of the Anti-Christ.
This video is where Doc says the Illuminati will have the world in their back pocket between: 2028-2030. (27 minute mark) [their plans may sometimes get pushed back] — But considering the state of the world presently, ‘they’re maybe 40 years ahead:’ i.e. Abortion, Immoral Culture, Gay Marriage, $33+Trillion U.S. Debt.
Also Interesting is a quote from Charlotte Iserbyt: www.deliberatedumbingdown.com – she is someone who may be important in these End Times:
- Charlotte Iserybt — “necessary for United States’ participation in a socialist one-world government scheduled for the early years of the twenty-first century” —http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Iserbyt_Reagan_US_DOE.pdf
- Socialism is Possibly Communism Light — Communism is like a Cloak for Satanism —
- A One World Gov’t is like the Plan or Goal of The Illuminati — The U.N. logo may mean or means: Victory Over The World Through The Occult. (Logo = Map of The World, Laurel {victory}, & an 8 Point witchcraft wheel {the occult})
- Seven Point Plan of Communism :: A history of the New World Order – Part 1 & 2
The U.S. is currently $33+ Trillion in Debt — The 666 Mark is getting near.
Keeping a Watch at Rosh Hashana for the Rapture in 2025 and around 2030 is wise. If nothing happens, continuing to Store up Treasure in Heaven is the Call 🙂 www.wmpress.org
Maranatha 🙂 ><>
‘End Notes:’
Cool song, however Toby Mac is possibly with the Illuminati too (he may need prayer) — There is super deception presently. A lot of the Church’s may be pointing to the Anti-Christ at the End. A Pope or Jesuit could be the False Prophet who is behind the 666 Mark it may be. The Black Nobility or top of the Illuminati, have the Jesuits as their front. They possibly have vast wealth – hence 666 Mark from a ‘Religious Person.’
(The Current Pope – Pope Francis, is a Jesuit and Possible Major Illuminati Person/Luciferian)
The Rapture happening at a Feast of Trumpets may be what happens ><>
Maranatha ><>
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