The Last Days ::: Shalom
May 27th, 2013
by Vic on Jan.03, 2015, under God is Love
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, (Hebrew: ‘owth) [Signal/Warning/Remembrance/Distinguishing Mark] and for seasons, (Hebrew: Mow`ed) [Appointed Time/Feasts] and for days, and years:
(picture can be clicked on for bigger view)
(A Watchman Notes Events in Heaven & on Earth)
It may be a way interesting year this year in the Heaven – 2015:
Total Solar Eclipse: March, 20, 2015
Solar Eclipse: Bad For The Nations (or maybe the area the eclipse is seen)
picture can be clicked on for bigger view
In addition to The Solar Eclipse, there is a major line-up of Planets (near alignment/alignment) for like maybe something Major.
The Eclipse is going to take place in or between the Constellation Pisces, which represents Israel, and Cetus – the Sea Monster — may represent the Beast from the Sea — The Anti-Christ.
- Solar Eclipse – 3/20/15
- Solar Eclipse – 3/20/15
Wonder what this Eclipse and alignment may bring, if anything: — Netanyahu in March may run for re-election. Peace Situation of Daniel 9:27/New Temple possibly looming.
There is going to be a Near Alignment/Alignment of the Following:
- Venus – Jesus (Yahshua)
- Mars – War/Blood or Michael the Archangel
- Uranus – The Upper Room?
- Earth
- Moon
- Sun
- Mercury – Messenger (Gabriel The Messenger Angel?)
- Neptune (The Bride?) — is going to be near alignment it may be.
March 20 not that far away ><>
April 4, 2015 (Passover): Third Blood Red Moon of The Tetrad, on God’s Feast Days, of 2014/2015
Lunar Eclipse – Bad for Israel, when it’s face is as red as blood, it means the sword is coming to the world. i.e. ISIS (maybe Arrival of the Anti-Christ soon)
The Third Blood Moon of The Tetrad occurs in Virgo (The Virgin – Mary) — Represents: Israel/The Church
Sign could maybe mean persecution for Israel/The Church
- 3:00pm – Jerusalem, Israel – Time of Maximum Eclipse
- April 4, 2015 (Passover)
Noteworthy: While the Blood Red Moon Occurs in Virgo: Venus/Mars/Uranus/Neptune/Mercury will be in near alignment/alignment.
Maybe meaning the Third Blood Red Moon of the Tetrad could be a significant Mark/Sign.
(Passover 33 AD, Jesus Crucifixion – there was a Partial Lunar Eclipse)
July 1, 2015 — Jupiter/Venus Close Conjunction
Jupiter (Zedek): Yahshua/Jesus High Priest of the Line of Melchizedek — Venus: Jesus
Leo – The Lion of The Tribe of Judah (Jesus), aroused for the Rending of the Enemy
The Crab – Messiah’s Redeemed Held Fast by the Enemy? (Satan?)
– Jesus may have some words with Satan –
The Feast of Trumpets 2015 — Sept. 13, 2015 — Partial Solar Eclipse
Rapture/Daniel 9:27 Watch.
Update: Possible Rapture around 12pm (Noon) EST — Tuesday, Sept. 15 🙂
The Partial Solar Eclipse (bad for the nations) takes place in Virgo, which represents Israel/The Church, so this may be a sign for Israel/The Church too. (The Eclipse may take place under the Feet of Leo also: Jesus of the Lion of The Tribe of Judah)
Mercury (Messenger) is going to be over near Virgo — this is maybe saying, this is a message for Israel & The Church or Gabriel maybe has a message for Israel/The Church
- Partial Solar Eclipse – Trumpets 2015
- Feast of Trumpets 2015
- Trumpets/Yom Teruah 2015
- (Rosh Hashana) 9/13/15
- Partial Solar Eclipse 9/13/15
- Trumpets 9/13/15
In Addition to The Partial Solar Eclipse this day, there is going to be like a Major line-up and maybe like a massing.
Maybe everyone is going to be around to Witness The Rapture 🙂 lol’s 🙂 ><>
- Mars – Michael The Archangel/War/Blood of Jesus (Yahshua/Yeshua/Joshua/Yehoshua)
- The Star Regulus – (Marks The Heart of The Lion) [means treading underfoot] — From Leo – The Lion of The Tribe of Judah (Jesus)
- Jupiter (Zedek) — Jesus High Priest – Line of Melchizedek
- Sun
- Moon
- Earth
- Mercury — Messenger (Gabriel the ArchAngel)
- The Star Spica (Tsemech – The Branch – The Messiah) [Virgo] – alignment or near —
- Saturn – (may be in alignment – if not still in the picture) (Either means Rest like Sabbath, or Satan) won’t be that far away, if it’s Satan, he will be near himself, near the Scorpius Constellation and in Libra or between Libra/Scorpius — Libra: The Scales/Weighed in the Balance (and found wanting – Satan)
Venus (Nogah) – which is Yahshua/Jesus, (The Bright and Morning Star) is going to be in the neighborhood too — over at the Enemy it may be (The Crab/Cancer) — maybe keeping him at bay for a Rapture Transit 🙂 ><>
Mars (war) is going to be in front of Leo (Lion/Jesus) facing the possible Enemy (Satan), crab/cancer; with Venus (Jesus) present — Jupiter (Zedek) will be at Leo Proper.
The Rapture happening at Trumpets 2015 is going to depend on what happens with Peace with Israel this year. Daniel 9:27 is the thing to watch for to see if Trumpets will be serious, for a Pre-Trib Rapture (God Willing 🙂 ><>) — If not, keeping the Watch going Forward The Call.
Fourth Blood Red Moon of The Tetrad of 2014/2015 at The Start of The Feast of Tabernacles — 9/28/15 — Super Blood Red Moon.
The Location of where this Sign is Happening is like Major Interesting It may be :: Pisces (Israel)/Cetus (Sea Monster) The Anti-Christ
Both the Total Solar Eclipse on 3/20/15 and the 4th Blood Red Moon at Tabernacles, take place in like the same area — Between Pisces (Israel) & Cetus (The Anti-Christ it may be)
Solar Eclipse = Bad For The Nations
Lunar Eclipse = Bad For Israel
Blood Red Moon = Sword to the world
Could = Sign For The Tribulation
Rapture at a soon Feast of Trumpets God Willing 🙂 — Keeping the Watch going forward the call — Peace with Israel most important thing (Daniel’s 70th Week).
Definitely Wise to pay attention to any Peace situations/developments with Israel/Palestinians/Others, this year and forward ><>
Maranatha, Shalom 🙂
Update: 9/27/15 — The Blood Red Moons could signify great change in relation to Israel — here is a writing by Joel Rosenberg, that may be way interesting – writing – Maranatha.
(Keep an eye on Trumpets 2016 in relation to the Blood Moons) ><>
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