Hello all Christians! ๐
Mighty Blessings to you from the Almighty ๐ The God who told Moses His Name: I AM Who I AM.
God Said Tell Them, (The Israelites) I AM sent you ๐
Think about that for a moment ๐ — God, from Eternity Past, From Days of Old, From Ancient Times,ย just coming to the Realization about Himself that He Exists, ย And God just Saying About Himself that He Exists: “I AM” ๐ !! ๐
ok, maybe I shouldn’t of wrote that, that may not Theologically check out ๐ย
Word From My Heart ๐ :: To Fix The Foundations Of Righteousness ๐ย
I am a bit mad at myself about the entire Planet X/Comet Elenin Situation from 2011. I will tell you, I had no idea about any of that stuff, never heard about Planet X, until maybe 3 months before I wrote the post — I got out of my entire Biblical and Foundation of Life with that Topic.
I tried to do my best with something that was new knowledge —- with so many possible new things that year — With the planet (that could be true), Revelation 12 being like The Constellation of Virgo maybe or something, Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah that year it may of been, and maybe an increase of Birth Pangs in 2011, (fish dying) Earthquake Possible Madness Central 2011 possibly, with the Japan/Tsunami/Nuclear Reactor too.ย
This is the deal with the Planet X post with me saying that I lied. I will tell you all straight up, from the bottom of my heart, that I am not a Liar of a type of Person. And I would be the first one to throw myself in the Lake of Fire if I was any type of Fraud. I will tell you, I hate Lying and anything Evil.
I ask you all for a Million Pardons for being un-circumspectย in the post (with comet(s)/asteroid(s)).ย
Staying with this blog, as much as God Ordains, may be a great Blessing, because This Ship of State, The Holy Nation of Christians, could Possibly be about to Dock in The Port of Heaven via The Rapture ๐ ! And that’s a Possible Serious No Joke Statement ! ๐
I thank everyone for the shares of posts in the past., If more posts can be shared from the Blog I would be thankful.
www.endoftheworld.net and This Blog and the other sites, Exist by God’s Love and A Miracle of God’s Love ๐ (And by maybe a Joshua/Caleb Mentality — ‘The End Could Really Be Near’ ๐ ๐ ) — I will tell you all that I’m pretty serious about Everything, in that I paid like $2,800 for the Web-Site Name of: End of The World, even though it is .net — It is a top name: End of The World. So I’m not like playing games ๐ — It’s Heaven/God or nothing ๐ย
I’ll tell you all, the stuff about the Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah The Rapture, may be like 20-50 years ahead type of stuff — I am In Dis-Belief almost with the Knowledge that the Feast of Trumpets may really be when the Rapture takes place! ๐ and when Daniel’s 70th Week may Take Place too. I’m Blessed beyond Belief to know anything and everything I know currently about all the Feasts ! ๐
Maybe 6 mos to a year ago, I inquired it may of been, about www.theendoftheworld.com and the web-person/company it may of been, wanted like 5 figures to like 6 and maybe more.
www.endoftheworld.com hasn’t been a site in maybe 5 years plus, but just recently a Christian got the site. I almost can’t believe it, I would of thought, they would of may of tried to sell the site name, for like 5, 6 or 7 figures. It’s good, the Christian who has the site, has a link that goes right to a site to get people Saved it May Be ๐
So, what I’m trying to say maybe is, don’t let the .net be any type of focus. — .net, .com doesn’t matter, what matters is Righteousness, Holiness, Love {Fruits of The Spirit}, And God’s Power of The Holy Spirit being Present, (Jesus: When The Holy Spirit arrives, you will receive Power! :D) without those things, whatever a person has doesn’t matter. The three .com sites God has blessed me with: the Bema Seat Site, Book of Revelation site and The Rapture of The Bride Site, were 0nly like $10 – $20 each, and their .coms — The: End of The World.net site, pretty serious name/topic, was originally like maybe $3,200 ย to $3,300 but the Lord and I got the site for like $2,800 ๐
It’s good for Christians to be surrounded with Holy Christians who Know The Times and Know That We Are Possibly Right At The End Of Time As People Know It.
All I know, is that God is Great and andย we are possibly so close to Jesus Return, that the last thing I need or you all need at this moment in history is someone like me to mess up Something So Wonderful — that Being Jesus Return/The Rapture.
Shall God Cause To Bear and Not Bring Forth ! ๐
What The Christians Need Right Now are Joshua And Calebs — Because We could be Entering the Promise Land: The Rapture/Heaven/The Bema Seat/The Marriage of The Lamb/The New Jerusalem and The Millennium, and Honestly it Could All Be Real Soon!!! ๐ ๐ ๐
The Days and Times Are Coming into Focus more and more each day :: We May Really Be at The Very End of Time, Before The Start of Daniel’s 70th Week/The Tribulation. The Holy Spirit may be leading All Christians or a Remnant at this time of World History to focus more on the End. Because that is Where Life Just may Be At.
If God Leads, I would be thankful for any shares of posts on facebook and twitter, To Put Forth The Light of God’s Love and to give Voice to the Days We are Living In, And The Very Possible Soon Arrival of Jesus/Yeshua The Bridegroom, To Rapture/Call His Bride The Church to Be With Him Forever ๐ ๐
Maranatha !!!!!ย
If any of you all like to donate, feel free: (Store up your riches in Heaven, where they will never decrease) money will hopefully be mostly used For Evangelism. Want to get a sign also that says: Jesus Return Could Be Soon, The USA $16+ Trillion in Debt, www.endoftheworld.net — and a message on the other side —- Donations can be made atย paypal: victor@endoftheworld.net
God’s Blessings to you all ย …..><((‘>ย