Israel/The Jews! A Living Witness To The End Times -- We Are In The End Times Majorly -- The Greatest Scripture Verses (in the post) That Prove We Are at The End, and Possibly The Very End: (From the Book of Joel)
April 11th, 2013
by Vic on May.10, 2013, under God is Love
Scientists Just Recorded the Brightest Explosion We’ve Ever Seen |
The Gamma Ray Burst happened in the Constellation Leo — see below from: E.W. Bullinger’s Witness of The Stars:
Singing Praises is a form of Spiritual Warfare ! The Hebrew word Mar is the Word For Bitterness ::: The Weapon against/overcome Bitterness is to Sing Praises to The Lord ! 😀 (and allow Him to prune us — see video :D)
From: E.W. Bullinger’s Witness of The Stars:
Messiah’s Consummated Triumph
LEO (The Lion). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.
His feet are over the head of Hydra, the great Serpent, and just about to descend upon it and crush it.
The brightest star, a (on the Ecliptic), marks the heart of the Lion (hence sometimes called by the moderns, Cor Leonis, the heart of the Lion). Its ancient name is Regulus, which means treading under foot. The next star, b, also of the 1st magnitude (in the tip of the tail), is named Denebola, the Judge or Lord who cometh.
Wondering if the star that collapsed/had Gamma Ray Burst was the 2nd star above.
Gosnell Jury Told Three Babies Per Day Born Alive in Toilets After Abortions |
Babies drowned alive in toxic liquid |
We Are In The Possible ‘Last Minutes’ Before The Tribulation/Rapture — Jesus Return For His Bride The Church could really be Near:
The Rapture ::: Isaiah 26:20 – Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, (The New Jerusalem) and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation (The Tribulation) be overpast.
Maranatha 😀 ><>
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