Israel and Peace (Daniel 9:27 - 7 Year Peace Begins The End) --- David Rubin former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel -- you all should see this video -- Maranatha :)
May 17th, 2013
by Vic on Mar.16, 2013, under End Times, God is Love
St. Malachy’s Prophecy Final Pope: Peter The Roman:
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (which could be Rome or maybe the World [7 Continents]) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
Cardinal Bergoglio, has taken the name of Pope Francis I, which may check out to be Peter The Roman —
From a friend and additions by me: ‘Victor, after doing a bit of research on the new Pope I wanted to share this with you. He (Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina) chose the name Francis based on Saint Francis (of Assisi): Saint Francis (Italian Saint) of Assisi’s Birth name was: Francesco di Pietro or PETRO (Peter) di Bernardone. His father’s name was PIETRO (PETER).
This may be the Swiss Guard, at The Vatican before the Arrival of the Pope in Presenting Himself or Addressing those Gathered at St. Peter’s Square it may be.
Pope Francis I, (Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was born into a middle-class family of seven, his father an ITALIAN immigrant railway worker and his mother a housewife. (The new pope was born of Italian (ROMAN) parents. He is 100% ROMAN).
So, although he did not blatantly name himself Peter The Roman, the intent is clear. This would qualify him as a “Peter the Roman” He named himself after St. Francis of Assisi (Peter) and his family is of Italian decent by blood. | [There is a Papal Basilica St. Francis of Assisi too – which is in Assisi, Italy where St. Francis of the 12th & 13th Century was born & died]
Pope Francis history’s ‘final’ pontiff? |
If the Prophecy is True, and Pope Francis I is Peter The Roman, and The Last Pope (and he doesn’t get Raptured) then this is it.
This is interesting, In relation to Petrus Romanus:
“Francis of Assisi is known for Rocca Maggiore, which means Big Rock, which is the meaning of the name “Peter,” so, Pope Francis is named for Francis of Assisi – Francis of Big Rock.” source
This is Interesting also: Because The Pope Is In The Chair of St. Peter, and the Vatican is in Rome, by Default The Pope Is Automatically Peter The Roman, no matter his name/Pope name 😀
In reference to Pope Francis I, ‘Cardinal’ middle name: (Mario) and last name (Bergoglio) — this gives him ‘Roman’ credibility {Italian names}.
Maranatha ><> Rapture Soon, God Willing ><>
source info: – Saint Francis of Assisi’Assisi
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