The Day we are in: Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
February 13th, 2010
by Vic on Mar.14, 2010, under Spiritual Growth
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by Vic on Mar.14, 2010, under End Times
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Ezekiel 26:1- 28:10 describes the merchant trade of Tyre on the Phoenician coast, Also described is the ruler of Tyre, who through his business of trade became a powerful wealthy man whos influence reached into many nations.
Ezekiel 28:11-19 This description of the “king” of Tyre -Satan-points to the spiritual nature that motivated the earthly human ruler-king of Tyre (Eze 26:1-28:10).
vs 12 You had the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty–Day Star (Satan) had Gods full measure of wisdom and beauty. He had full access to the plan of God for human history (will be explained shortly)
vs 13 You were in Eden the Garden of God. This is not the same(planted) Eden that Adam and Eve were in.
vs 13 Every precious stone was your covering (3 sets of 3) This describes the covering of a High Priest. This is similar the breastplate of the Urim and Thummim (4 sets of 3).
vs 13 Gold Tamborines and flutes, which through his full wisdom naturally led the worship in Heaven. -After the fall- Music can move ones soul away from God or towards God.
vs 13 On the day you were created they were prepared- (the stones and instraments)- God intended these positions of authority for him.
vs 14 You were the anointed (Messiah) Cherub who covers, and I placed you there. – The Day Star had a unique position he guarded the access to Gods throne and was the highest ranked of all the Hosts of heaven.
vs 14 You were on the Holy Mountain of God- Mountain in a symbolic position refers to a kingdom or throne.
vs 14 You walked in the midst of the stones of fire.- the purity of Gods creation at that point exuded light and it refers to his motion of going “to and fro” (job 1:7)
vs 15 You were blameless in your way from the day you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you.-The angelic host was created with the power of contrary choice 1 Tim 3:6 At this point the Day Star turned into Satan- (the Destroyer) by his unrighteous deeds.
vs 16 By the abundance of your trade. – the trade spoken of here in the Hebrew is that of Gossip and Slander- Satan passed around -The Lie- that God was keeping the angels from becoming “like God”
vs 16 You were internally filled with violence and you sinned. This internal violence led to the revolt in heaven.
vs 16 Therefore I have cast you as profane from the Mountain of God and have desroyed you O covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire.- Satan had made the choice to reject righteousness, that choice caused him to forever lose his position in Gods Kingdom, He now was sealed forever apart from Gods Joy.
vs 17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. – In vain self exaultation at his God given beauty he became arrogant.
vs 17 You corrupted you wisdom by reason of your splendor. – His wisdom was corrupted by his full sum of Godly knowledge- he aspired to be god and became unrighteous.
vs 17 I cast you to the ground.- Luke 10:18
vs 17 I put you before kings that they may see you. – this passage is a prophecy that will be fulfilled when Satan is bound along with all those rulers of the earth who he decieved Rev 20:1-3 & 7-10
vs 18 By the multitude of your iniquities, In the unrighteousness of your trade, You prophaned your sanctuaries.- Sanctuaries are in the plural, Satan not only occupied the Heavenly realmn, He also occupied the pre-human earth Job 38:4-7 His sanctuaries were prophaned.
vs 18 Therefore I have brought fire out from the midst of you. It has consumed you. I have turned you to ashes on the earth In the eyes of all who see you.- the brilliance that “the Day Star” once had in being Gods choice arch Cherub now will be forever consumed in the Lake of fire for all to see. The works he had done on earth will be as stubble turned to ashes.
vs 19 All who know (as in follow) you among the peoples. are appalled at you. You have become a terror, And you will be no more.- All those who followed in satans rebellion find themselves horrified at what their leader has become. His leadership and pomp will evaporate.
Isaiah 14:12-17
vs 12 How you have fallen from heaven -O star of the morning son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth. You who have weakened the nations. Luke 10:18
There are 5 main views of the Gen 1:1-2- I hold to the Gap theory- that is- Because one of Satans abodes before his fall was the pre-human earth- when he was cast out of heaven to the -Ground- he prophaned his earthly sanctuary (Eze 28:18) Gen 1:1 the heavens and earth are created and in tact John 1:1-3.
Gen 1:2 has three Hebrew words that are critical to understand -Tohu, V-Vohu, V Hochef-Chaos emptiness and darkness (God posseses none of these in His character).
These three words are active judgement language, not passive. Two of these words occur other places in Scripture Isaiah 34:11(edom), Jere 4:23 (Trib) all times these words are used, it is judgement related.
Gen 1:2 is a result of the fall of Satan because floods are consistently connected to judgement Rev21:1.
God then took the disorder of Gen 1:2 and remolded the face of the earth for the habitation of man.
vs 13-14 The 5-” I Wills” of Satan.
I will ascend to heaven- Heaven is Gods abode- Satan desired Gods abode for his own.
I will raise my throne above the stars of God- Stars in symbolic form are angels- Satan wanted to be served by all the angels which again is Gods position.
I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the North – The Mount of assembly is Mt Moriah the New Jerusalem, The Holy of Holies was situated in the north end of the Temple – Satan desires to sit in place of Jesus the Messiah in the Messianic Kingdom and be worshipped by all people.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds – Clouds and fire are manifestations of the Holy Spirit – Satan wanted to rule over the Holy Spirit.
I will make myself like the Most High – Satan wants to be above God the Father.
vs 15 Never the less you will be thrust down to sheol to the recesses of the pit – Satan will be cast to the darkest depth of the pit- rather than being god.
vs 16 Those who see you will gaze at you, They will wonder over you saying, Is this the -man- who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms?- The -man- refers to the antichrist in his attempt to userp Jesus the Messiah- during his 7 year reign of terror.
vs 17 Who made the world like a wilderness and over threw its cities, who did not allow his prisoners to go home. Satan (destroyer) will desroy much before he finally is cast into the Lake of fire.
Satans main goal is to cause people to remain lost from the Salvation Jesus provided, and to cause Believers in Jesus to stumble, and become ineffective for the kingdom of Christ.
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