George Street :: Evangelism :: Handing out Tracts | Awesome Story !!
October 27th, 2010
by Vic on Feb.20, 2010, under End Times, Spiritual Growth
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February 24th, 2010 on 5:49 am
Greetings of Peace in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
It is really privileged for me to write to your ministry and I pray may Lord bless you abundantly. I found that you have awesome and precious work of Lord Jesus Christ, May God bless your Church staff and all precious work.
I have studied your web site, and I found it the most wonderful site to get right to the True Word of God. I found that all your material is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith.
I am Arim, from Multan , Pakistan . Living in Pakistan we Christians have to face many obstacles to get the access to the Word of God. Most of the people in Pakistan are not capable to understand the English language and they are hungry of the Gods words. So I will be very thankful to you if you can to translate your material into my native languages.
For this I am able to translate the good stuff of you into my native language Sariki. There are two purposes to request you the first one is to know the Word of God more deeply and second one is to be supportive my family. My suggestion for you is to create your material in my language of Sariki. It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani Sariki speaking people.
For that purpose I as a translator will bring your material into Sariki language. Although it will take your low expenses, as well as fund for the Word of God, to reach out to the deserving people. As a translator I will take the expenses that will be spending just for the Word.
May God Shower his blessings upon you and your ministries work.
Looking forward for your kind response,
Yours Sister in Christ,
February 25th, 2010 on 12:27 am
Hi Arim 🙂
Thanks for Writing!
Will get back to you 🙂
Shalom! ~ Vic
(p.s. Google may have a free translation of maybe any page!)
Feel free to write back, if you have a W(w)ord, before I get back to you 🙂