Bible Prophecy Rapture Outlook For Jesus/Y'shua's Return! | Daniel's Statue with The EU, The Anti-Christ, 666/Islam | Planet X (Ten) | Possibly 3-5 Billion Plus People Will Die During The 7 Year End of The World Tribulation | The Lake of Fire & Brimstone (Sulfur - liquid fire)
December 26th, 2011
February 10th, 2010 on 8:44 pm
Greetings to one and all: In that most precious name. That name which is above every name, the name: “Jesus”
There’s tremendous power in that name. I’d suppose we’ll never fully realize all that can truly be accomplished, by us simply calling out that name in true faith.
There’s an old, old, gospel song that goes like this: Faith in the Father, faith in the Son, faith in the Holy Spirit, great victories are won. Demons will tremble and sinners will awake, faith in Jehovah will anything shake.
For you who have never come into this realization, if you’re reading this, just give him a welcome into your heart and life. You will both feel and see an awesome difference. You will have also purchased the ticket to heaven (by accepting, therefore making him welcome to come into your life. You will also sup from His cup that contains living water. (As did the woman at the well of Bethesda.) John 4:10
Much love,
Your brother in Christ Jesus, who is both our Lord, and Savior. “” …
February 13th, 2010 on 11:38 am
Even so, or put differently, even though you may well be highly educated, still, you must not forget to also include balance within your life. For without balance, or without keeping all within its proper prospective, or put differently, without tolerance, or moderation within your life, you truly are not as complete as you may feel that you are. This is one of the truths that the Bible highly exhorts all to have included within their lives.
There’s and old, old, hillbilly song that goes like this: when you go through life make this your goal: watch the donut and not the hole. When back as a kid I’d hear this on the radio at times and think this to be an awfully crazy, and foolish song. Even so, today, which are many years later, I feel that song does include a lot of wisdom.
The human mind being as it is: its very easy for people to sometimes get their thought life, or allow their thought life, to start down a very narrow, and limited channel. To have a completely positive, and happy thought life, also a very productive thought life, you simply cannot leave the Creator of the Universe out of your life. Jesus Christ is, and always has been, and always will be, the key to a happy and a well balanced life. If you’ve never received Him into you’re life: Why not invite Him to come in and lead and guide you into a more, truly, productive life style.
William Dunigan… “” …