Army Major’s Report About Bible/Bible Prophecy ?

Received Link From Michael G. Mickey @ — This Message/E-mail was from Mike too: 🙂
I mailed out our military’s document on millenialism that casts most of the Christian world in the role of spoilers of world peace, etc. I’m sending you the document again in case you didn’t read it over, along with both a radio interview and an article on it that highlights the very disturbing contents of the document.
Additionally, I would note that John McTernan has confirmed the authenticity of the document itself. He literally called a contact number and spoke to someone about its content.
What you will learn from the document, the radio interview and John’s article on the document is this: From the failure of the world to achieve world peace to the purported problem of global warming, Christians are essentially holding the world back.
If you thought it disturbing when most of us were labeled as right wing extremists by the current administration in our nation’s capitol, this should bother you even more as this is a document well-researched and written by an officer in our own military now taking a similar position!
If you don’t read the document, which is pretty dry reading for a good portion of its content, at least read John McTernan’s blog entry and see some of the ‘highlights’ of the body of the military document and John’s analysis of it. While I don’t believe the next step for us is to see Christians rounded up and herded into concentration camps, what this represents is a present casting of the bible prophecy-believing Christian world in a very negative light. The future implications? There’s no telling where the inaccurate ideology and view of our faith presented in this document will lead our military and what the implications for the Church will be as a result. As a veteran of the armed forces, a patriot, and a retired police officer, I am appalled to see how misunderstood we are by the Left, including members of the Left in the upper ranks of our military. Share all of this as you feel led.
Please keep, me and my family in prayer as we serve day-to-day at the mercy of the Lord and under the protection of His mighty hand.
In Christ,
Michael G. Mickey