The Rapture, The Bema Seat, The New Jerusalem, The Marriage of The Lamb, The Marriage Supper of The Lamb, & The 1,000 Year Millennial Reign Could Be Soon !
July 17th, 2013
by Vic on Sep.19, 2009, under God is Love
Hello this is Victor from, the other sites, and this Blog.
God’s Blessings To You All 🙂
I just want to apologize for the little hiccup/hang-up, on the home page of the main site: I’ll hopefully have that fixed soon God willing 🙂 The Word of the Week, I need to fix as well {The Word of The Week has maybe been the word of the week for maybe 2-4 Months – lol’s 🙂 } . My computer is down that has the software to update the site!! – I can still update the Blog though and the Rapture Board 🙂 Praise the Lord 🙂
I want to let you all know too, that I think I’m going to be on the road doing Ministry/Missionary Work in going to Colleges to hand out “Gospel Tracts” ! 🙂
If all goes well, I may get a mini-cam to tape some/lot of the Ministry work. I’ll try to see if I can post Ministry videos to the Blog too.
God’s Blessings To All!!
p.s. If all goes well over the next months, I’ll ask to see if you would all like to add Treasure to Your Account in Heaven by donating money for Tracts.
I can get 3,000 web-cards/”Tracts” for for around $100.
3,000 is a lot for that price!! It would be a win/win for the Harvest and for you – at The Bema Seat, God Willing 🙂
Maranatha! 🙂
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