Bible Prophecy & The Dept. Of Homeland Security – On 5/14 The DHS rescinded on calling Pro-Life People against Abortion as Right Wing Extremists and I guess Domestic Terrorists – lol’s — I guess this also puts Bible Prophecy people back in the clear – But all of this I think is the possible new way of evil possibly preparing for the Anti-Christ (50 Million Abortions in the USA has got to = The End of The World Soon)
by Vic on May.03, 2009, under End Times
This message is from Jay Sekulow: April 30, 2009 —
This show is all about Bible-Prophecy Christians
Jay Sekulow is a Constitutional Lawyer I believe. He argues cases at the Supreme Court Level. He has a daily Radio Broadcast Mon-Fri – heard by maybe a Million People.
This is Major
Bible Prophecy – Dept of Homeland Security
The Anti-Christ is on his way — 1 Thessalonians 5:4 You Brethren are not in Darkness, that that Day (Armageddon) should overtake you as a thief.
DHS rescinds on calling Pro-Lifers: Right Wing Extremists — 5/14/09 Message