Getting Ready For The
The World
Getting Ready For A Showdown with Iran and Israel!
Listening to Jay Sekulow Live, Jay was talking about Free Speech
for Pastors. It seems Pastors of Church's are getting a bit of the
cold shoulder from the IRS in losing tax exempt status if they start
speaking about political stuff. Jay is trying to get a Free Speech
Restoration Act -- sponsored by Congressman Walter Jones -- through the
political process. You can sign a petition at:
The reason I
write this, is this: With I believe a ruling that was just put
forth not to long ago, I believe called Imminent Domain, Churches I
believe have their property at risk from being taken away.
Well these are
two things that I believe are calling cards for The Anti-Christ, just
more steps making it easier for him to obtain control during the end.
Like Gib Allen, a
Pastor on the radio here in Florida said just recently, " Most
people take the Anti-Christ as serious as the Easter Bunny, " Well
let me just say, The Bible clearly presents a person who will have the
world eating out of his hand literally during the End of The World.
The two legal
things mentioned above, just make life that much easier for this last
world leader when he appears.
He will exercise
' World ' control at the End, controlling Gov't, Religion, and
Economy, (along with his partner)
their agenda will be: Pro-evil & Anti-God/Jesus
The Bible says
through Peace this last world leader will destroy Many!
It seems as if the
USA is getting riper and riper by the day in accepting this person when
he appears. With an all out attempt to marginalize God out of
EVERYTHING possible in this country, along with the music in this
country, which gets closer by the day, in winning the rights to play at
the Gates of Hell, to welcome everyone entering to be Eternally Damned
by burning alive forever in Everlasting Fire, I just don't know how much
longer it could be, before God says, Time is up -- My Fury you will
Hence I go to John Hagee, who seems to be
on Point regarding The Gog Magog Battle. For those of you who
don't know about this battle, there is a Prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel
about a Battle that is going to take place. Russia and Iran are
two main countries that attack Israel in this battle. Five-Sixths
of the invading armies however are going to be destroyed, I believe
Just today in an
article by The Associated Press, it said something like Iran will attack
Israel if the USA attacks Iran. Why would the USA or Israel attack
Iran??? Because they are close to obtaining a Nuclear Weapon, and
Iran hates Israel and the USA, and where did Iran get their Nuclear
ability??? Russia!
John Hagee's Jerusalem: Countdown to
Crisis -- New Book or Teaching (Audio or
Video) Series is something you
should look into purchasing, otherwise just know that we could be really
close to serious situations happening soon. And I am not kidding.
If Iran gets the
Nuclear Bomb -- Pandora's Box will be open for the world, and the sky
will probably soon be opening for Believer's to be Raptured out of the
Earth : )
If you are a Faithful Christian, you
are very wise :) But if You are not a Christian and you are reading
this, you may need
to get wise real fast :) Accept Jesus for Eternal Life! Jesus is the only way to Heaven!
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God Bless