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Left Behind: A Guide To Those Still Here Tribulation Survival Guide (audio)
Artwork by John Bell
copyright 1998-2005
This is what you need to know in order to save your life at the Time of the END.
the Bible, there is a Prophecy in the Book of Daniel ( Daniel 9:27)
that pertains to the future of the nation of Israel, This
is super noteworthy at the moment because in 1948 Israel became a
nation again for the first time since 70AD.
One day, and it could
sincerely be soon, this peace deal is going to be strengthened or confirmed from
The Bible says through peace the
last world leader
will destroy
many! ( There will be
major deception during the end! )
Will Begin The End of The World.
The last world leader,
( The AntiChrist ) will have a partner, and his partner is going to require everyone
One or both of these people will have power
to do miracles – i.e. Calling fire down from Heaven. By means of signs
Whatever you do, Do Not take the Mark, nor worship the image, nor the Antichirst.
I know these things may sound like non-sense, but
trust me, All of this is written in the Bible and it is going to happen.
Artwork by John Bell copyright 1998-2005 www.jrbell.com
From my understanding,
there is a strong possibility that
And Take His
This is going to occur at some point before the seven-year peace deal is signed with Israel. [ There could be another Rapture too, during the 7 year end ]
This return of Jesus however is guaranteed, and it will be:
Seven Years from the onset of the Peace Deal that was
Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords And Do Battle at The Battle of Armageddon
The Catholic Catechism teaches that the
Church must first pass through a final trial (persecution) that
will shake
Choosing Jesus during the End
will be a decision most likely made under
Choose Jesus
Repent, & Turn to Him with a sincere Heart! To Choose
There are going to be a
lot of people who are not going to survive at the end. There could be 2-4
billion people
If there is a way, Jesus Church, which is
considered His Bride, will be the only way of escaping
The stakes are high in relation to your soul !!!
2,000 years ago, Jesus followed
through in carrying out God’s will for His life, which was to die on the
Jesus blood forgives ALL sins! Repent! “Repentance is a complete reversal of one’s attitudes and values,
If you find yourself in the End Times and if it
means you have to die for believing in Jesus, and/or for not taking
Artwork by John Bell copyright 1998-2005 www.jrbell.com
Given a white stone & in it a new name written. You will have God, who is Love, as Your God!!
- Blessed are they which are called
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One thing to note is: Choosing Jesus during the End may give to you a different itinerary than the above Blessings, but that's ok because you will still have Eternal Life & anything is better than being burned alive forever and ever in the Lake of Fire!
Choose Jesus Today!! & Get Right with God!! Read The Bible! Repent! Pray (talk) to God through the name of Jesus, And Go To Church! If you would like to talk to someone about Jesus, please e-mail me at: victor@endoftheworld.net
The 7 year peace deal confirmed by a leader from maybe the EU or UN or maybe
even the USA with Israel & others,
The End Of The World Will Take Place In A Seven Year Time Frame. -- John MacArthur - Grace To You
Matthew 7: 24-27 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Very Important:
A Word from the web-site
owner : ) You are a very blessed person to have just read what is written here.
Eternal Life
This page was last updated 11/11/10