1 Corinthians 15: 51, 52 -- 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. |
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. |
Archives 2007:
Hello, God's Blessings to Everyone :) Well I don't really don't know what to write here, I'm kind of bummed at myself because I sinned, and I'm totally not worthy to be talking or writing about God at the moment, I feel like Paul when He said, ' Disqualified ' well that's me, disqualified, but since I'm dead in my sin, I may as well write the lesson(s) I've learned. First and I've learned this lesson a million times: When you try to serve God and you are in sin, it is punishment in itself. Evil just evades all the goodness that a person may have created. - Hence an ounce of foolishness outdoes a lot of honor. -- It's true. Ok this is the main lesson: The Spirit vs The Flesh This is the difference, The Spirit gives you a future and a hope. The Flesh gives you pleasure for maybe this life, but it offers no future and no hope after say 80 years on this earth. That is the difference between living for God and living for nothing, or more commonly the things of this life. One of Satan's lies, is: "
Everything Now!! " ( I just
heard Billy Graham say this or something like this on tv )
(click) A Future with God includes the Following: Heaven Eternal Life A New Name A Home or Mansion An Adopted Son of God
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
An Heir of God New Glorified, Spiritual Body New Heaven New Earth King Priest Wedding Supper of The Lamb - Blessed are all those who are called The Judgment Seat -- Rewards if you've lived a life worthy of God The Millennial Reign of a 1,000 years on Earth of Ruling and Reigning with Jesus - Then Eternity
The people who make the bad choice and go after the things in this world as if it is everything and go after pleasures now, instead of living a Holy Life in which is God's Will, at the end will have no hope and no future, all they will get is life now on earth and then they will be punished forever in the Lake of Fire. God's way is this: Jesus who knew the joy that was set before him ( The Future with God ) endured the cross. ( despising the shame ) We just have to endure and persevere to the end in Holiness: Peter says in the Bible: Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. These are the two ways: Jesus or No Jesus Also, God is Holy and God hates Sin. Virtue - Lust Holiness - Lust Righteousness - Evil Purity - Lust Obedience - Defiance Loyalty - Cavalierness Faithfulness - Cavalierness (Unfaithfulness) Clinging to Jesus - Indifference to Jesus This is the seriousness of the Battle we are in in relation to not giving into sinfulness. In the Old Testament the Israelites who sinned would offer up an animal on their behalf and what they would do is they would put their hands on the animal's head and then the Priest would kill or cut the animal's throat as if the sin were transferred to the animal and the animal would die in the persons place for the sin. This is how serious sin/Evil Desires are.
It took the blood and death of these animals to make things right with God again, after the Israelites did something bad. Jesus was the fulfillment of the animal sacrifices, He had to die and give his blood for us to be accepted by God. Believing and Following Jesus will give to one a future. So what does a person do on earth for eighty years? -- Learn to become Holy in knowing about Jesus and God. And to Bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Also, like John MacArthur just said, Something like, ' The only thing important in a person's life is How much they know God or know about God. ' Everything else is pointless. All other wisdom, life-styles or other knowledge offers no future, no hope. Only Jesus can give a person a future after they die.
Well since this is a Strategic Watchman Article, I cannot fail in my duty as a Watchman for the Arrival of Jesus, which to me is agonizing at the moment because I am suffering from the consequences of sinning. I feel like the maidens in the Parable of the ten Virgins, who were without oil, The parable talks about ten virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to appear, five of them had oil to keep their lamps full of light but five of them had no oil and their lamps went out. When the bridegroom arrived the five who were smart and faithful became honored in being invited in to the wedding, but the other five who were foolish and unfaithful received no such honor. One thing I want to write is that no one knows when Jesus is going to return, but with the things written in the Bible - The Book of Timothy, for example - in talking about the last days, where it says people will become lovers of themselves more than lovers of God and a lot of other characteristics of the last days or end time, these things make a strong case for the days we are living in as being the last days. Like what I have written at the top of this page near the Rapture picture, it says brothers we are not in darkness that that day (The Day of The Lord) should overtake us as a thief. The Bible verse says: When they are crying Peace and safety Most likely During the ( That begins the End Of The World ) Then sudden destruction will happen. Again, the Bible says we are not in darkness that, that day or time period should surprise us.
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
This peace deal could
literally happen any month from here on out! Jesus is the only one who offers a Future! No one or nothing
else does!
I think this is the time and the days in which Paul was talking about when he wrote 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6
That begins the End of The World -- A Peace-Deal signed with Israel -- could be a close reality.
Let's look at the Current situation in Israel and the Middle East
Israel is in the process of planning the destruction of Iran's Nuclear facilities. Israel is thinking Iran may have a Nuclear Bomb(s) in two years. The USA at the moment has two aircraft carriers over in the Middle East - This makes things a bit interesting.
Events could happen in this order over the next couple of months to two years:
For the Joy set before Jesus, He endured the cross Jesus offers a future - Be Holy - Live in the Spirit - Be Holy - The flesh offers you pleasure for right now but no future. For the Joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross
The Marriage Bed is undefiled, but Adulterers and Whoremongers, God will judge. |