The Omega Letter
Intelligence Digest
Vol: 62 Issue: 27 - Monday,
November 27, 2006Eaten by the Bear
The body of former Russian spy
Alexander Litvinenko is reportedly so radioactive
that British medical examiners are afraid to conduct
his autopsy and the health care professionals who
treated him are being tested for radiation
According to Litvinenko's
spokesperson after his death, he was killed by a
'tiny nuclear bomb' inside his body. That is a
pretty good analogy, as it turns out.
Traces of Polonium 210 were found
at Litvinenko's home and at two other London
locations he visited on the day he fell ill. That
led doctors to look for it in Litvinenko's body. Its
presence was detected by a post-mortem urinalysis,
leading to the radioactive cross-contamination fears
expressed by his physicians.
And this is where it gets
interesting. Although there are industrial uses for
polonium-210, it is only used commercially in tiny
To obtain enough polonium-210 to
kill a man, one would have to have access to a
nuclear reactor, meaning it had to be a
state-sponsored assassination.
The list of nations who have
nuclear reactors narrows the field considerably.
Especially since polonium 210 is carefully tracked
and any quantity, no matter how tiny, would not
escape notice. Except by the nation who supplied it.
Adding up motive, opportunity and
means, there is only one viable suspect -- Russia.
Litvinenko named Vladimir Putin personally as his
killer from beyond the grave in a statement read
aloud by his spokesman after his death.
Litvinenko worked for the KGB and
its successor, the FSB. In 1998, he publicly accused
his superiors of ordering him to kill tycoon, Boris
Berezovsky, and spent nine months in jail from 1999
on charges of abuse of office. He was later
acquitted and in 2000 sought asylum in Britain.
Had Putin wanted Litvinenko dead,
which seems likely, there are many other ways he
could have had him 'liquidated' -- to use the old
Cold War term.
If his death were the only
objective, Litvinenko could have been killed in a
staged traffic accident, shot by a mugger, stabbed
by a junkie, run over by a streetcar, the list of
possible 'accidents' that the Russian FSB could have
chosen from is virtually endless.
Instead, Putin ordered the hit on
Litvinenko using a substance that was virtually an
official signature. And Litvinenko didn't just die;
he literally melted from in the inside out in a
long, drawn-out and excruciatingly painful death.
It is hard to imagine a more
miserable demise.
Putin was sending an unmistakable
message to Russian dissidents living abroad: "If you
reveal Russian secrets, we won't just kill you,
we'll overkill you."
What is intriguing is that Putin
thought sending the message in the manner he did was
worth the considerable risk it posed to Russia's
international reputation.
What is Putin hiding that could be
worse than the ramifications of a state-sponsored
murder on foreign soil pointing directly to his
Kremlin enemies have been dropping
lie flies of late; the former head of security for
the Chechen President, a former guerrilla turned FSB
agent, was shot dead by Russian police.
That killing was linked to the
assassination of Anna Politkovskaya, an
investigative journalist preparing to publish a
series of stories about Chechnya, on October 7.
Here's where the spy vs spy stuff
apparently comes together. Until he was poisoned,
Livinenko was investigating Putin's involvement in
the murder of Anna Politkovskaya -- bringing things
full circle back to Chechnya.
Russia is conducting a vicious war
against Muslim Chechen separatists. Much of the
Islamic Chechen rebels' supplies flow into the
region from Iran. The Chechen separatists are
Islamic allies of Tehran.
That should make Moscow the
ideological enemy of Iran under the same principle
that makes Washington's support of Israel an Islamic
target. Despite all that, Russian relations with
Iran couldn't be warmer. Moscow is supplying Iran
with nuclear materials as well as building nuclear
reactors all over the country.
And now Russia has begun
delivering the first of 29 Tor-M1 missiles it sold
to the Iranians in a deal worth $700 million. The
Tor-M1 is regarded as the most highly advanced
missile of its kind in the world.
It is capable of simultaneously
destroying two targets traveling up to 450 mph in
any weather, day or night. It is equipped with
jam-resistant radar with electronic beam control,
which feeds azimuth, elevation and automatic threat
evaluation data on up to 48 targets to a digital
fire-control computer.
Here's what all that means in
plain English. Once they are fully deployed, Iran’s
nuclear installations will be virtually invulnerable
to American or Israeli air attack.
That creates a window of about six
months to act.
Whatever Putin has up his sleeve,
the trail flows through Chechnya to Tehran and back
again, and anybody who gets too close to it ends up
It is SO important that Putin made
a point of using Livinenko's murder as a warning,
even at the risk of exposing his direct involvement.
Add that together with Putin's
decision to deliver the Tor-M1's in defiance of a
personal, face-to-face request by President Bush at
the Hanoi summit, and it is clear that future battle
lines are already being drawn up.
Iran has promised to annihilate
Israel. Moscow is not only providing them with the
means to do so, it is providing them with a
protective umbrella to ensure they accomplish their
goal. Putin knows that an Iranian attack against
Israel would provoke a massive counterstrike against
Tehran by either Israel or America.
It is almost like he is preparing
a 'Hail Mary' play against the United States.
While America is focused on its
outgoing nuclear response against Iran, Moscow would
have a window of opportunity to launch a sneak
nuclear attack aimed at wiping out most of America's
remaining missile capabilities.
It would be a major gamble for
Russia, but once nuclear missiles start flying in
any direction, anybody who has one is going to try
and lob it into America. By the time America gets
around to Russia, Putin is evidently gambling Russia
could survive a degraded US response.
But the lynchpin is Israel. For
the scenario to unfold in Putin's favor, the first
target has to be Israel, and the attack can't begin
from Russian soil. America's first response must be
against Iran and whatever other nuclear nutcases
(North Korea, Pakistan) that take the chance to
unload their arsenals on the Great Satan.
Admittedly, I am speculating a
good bit on the details, but it is almost a foregone
conclusion that something along these lines is
already in motion. The Islamic world, financed and
instigated largely by Iran, is seething for a direct
military confrontation with Israel and the Great
Russia sees an opportunity to
exploit the coming conflict, eliminating its only
major military rival in the process, and hopefully,
without getting nuked in return.
The price, from Moscow's
perspective, is the destruction of Israel, a price
Moscow is willing to pay. Indeed, Russia has already
bought chips in the game.
Has anybody else noticed that
Ezekiel's scenario is almost complete? Ezekiel
foretold the rise of a grand alliance between Gog
and Magog (modern Russia and its Islamic republics)
and Persia, (modern Iran) together with the
Mediterranean Islamic world, that would launch a
sneak attack against Israel in the last days.
There is virtually no Islamic
state that would stand in opposition and probable
that most, if not all, would join in what would
appear to be a certain victory against the hated
'Zionist occupiers.'
According to Ezekiel, however,
Israel is not destroyed. The invasion is stopped on
the mountains of the West Bank in a miraculous
battle that involves 'pestilence and blood' and 'an
overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and
brimstone.' (Ezekiel 38:22)
Radioactive rain, giant hailstones
that form in the stratosphere when the evaporated
water cools, re-forms, and freezes, and 'fire and
brimstone' -- all are byproducts of a nuclear
The prophet Joel, describing the
same battle, says it involves, "blood, fire and
pillars of smoke." (Joel 2:30)
Let's summarize the prophecy:
Ezekiel named Russia, Iran, the extremist Islamic
world, and predicted a sneak attack on Israel
resulting in what is clearly a nuclear war. Ezekiel
said this war would occur "in the latter years."
Ezekiel made his prophecy well
AFTER the destruction of Israel in antiquity and
2,500 years BEFORE Israel was reborn 'in a day' on
May 14, 1948, as prophesied by the Prophet Isaiah.
"Who hath heard such a thing? who
hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to
bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at
once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought
forth her children." (Isaiah 66:8)
By itself, that is an amazing
proof of Bible prophecy. Apart from the inspiration
of God, how could the prophets know there would EVER
be an Israel, let alone pinpoint when?
Now, let's summarize the news:
Iran is developing nuclear weapons and has sworn to
annihilate Israel in "a flash". Russia has returned
to its Cold War status with the US, and is actively
helping Iran both develop nuclear weapons and is
supplying them with the means to protect them.
Russia's Tor-M1 missiles give
Israel and America less than six months to act.
Israel is preparing for a coming
war with Iran. And Israel is already at war with
most of the Mediterranean Islamic world.
What is missing from the news is
any cogent plan by the United States to stop Iran
from going nuclear or even any mention of a
six-month window of opportunity.
And what is missing from Ezekiel's
prophecy is any mention of a Western superpower
resembling the United States.
"But I would not have you to be
ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are
asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which
have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and
rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus
will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you BY
THE WORD OF THE LORD, that we which are alive and
remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent
them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of
the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the
dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are
alive and remain shall be caught up together with
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and
so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1st
Thessalonians 4:13-17)
The Bible is true and the signs
are all there. What terrifies the world is, to the
Christian, proof positive that God is still on the
Throne, and that He knows what He is doing. All He
asks of us is to trust Him.
I wish I could say with absolute
certainty that the Rapture occurs before anything
bad happens. But the only certainty I can find in
Scripture is that the Rapture occurs before the man
of sin is revealed.
Still, Paul was inspired to
conclude this passage with the hopeful message,
"Wherefore, COMFORT one another with these words."
(1st Thessalonians 4:18)
I'll trust Him on that.