To All,
This page on this web-site is starting to take on new meaning.
Iran is about to go Nuclear, has gone Nuclear or will have Nuclear
ability in March of 2007. 2009 is the year I read, I believe, of
when they will have a Nuclear Bomb(s). What does this all mean for
the world and for Israel. To Be Honest when I say doom, I'm kind
of not kidding.
If Iran's current President is in Power when they get a
Nuclear weapon, he may well use it it. He may have an
apocalyptic Islamic view of how the end of the world comes about.
I think his version is that Chaos has to come about to bring about
an Islamic Messianic figure called the Mahdi. This Mahdi
person is, believe it or not I'm going to say, is going to be the
Anti-Christ whom the Bible says will be the last world leader.
This last world leader is going to be super evil, and through peace
will destroy many.
He shows his true colors 3 1/2
years into the
where he goes into a newly re-built temple in Israel and says he's
God says in the Bible that He is going to send strong delusion so
that people will believe a lie at the end who loved not the truth but
had pleasure in unrighteousness. I can't think of a more strong delusion
than a billion Muslims on earth thinking that the Mahdi is going to be
their Savior, when in essence He is going to be Satan's portal to hell.
Well if Ahaminejad's view of the End of The World, is to first
start chaos, to bring about the Mahdi, believe you me, he'll be on federal
express overnight delivery to get a Nuclear Bomb, and when he gets it,
he'll most likely use it. He, I would say, is as fundamentalist as
a Muslim could be.
So what does all this mean: Trouble, Trouble, Trouble for
the World.
And Possible Super High
Alert for the Church.
like Noah preached for 120 years of an apocalyptic flood that would
destroy the earth. All the people laughed at Noah and thought he
was crazy. Well Guess What, God did destroy the earth with a flood
back then and only 8 people survived. It's the same this time
around, People have been saying Jesus is returning, and Armageddon is
coming, and guess what, it's the same thing again as in Noah's day,
no-body really cares.
If you don't want to lose and want to win like the 7 people with
Noah, Listen to Noah and get on the boat Now!!! While there's
still time!!! As you can see from the picture Noah is almost
finished building the boat as I would say Jesus is almost finished with
giving everyone in the world time to accept His Mercy and Forgiveness
and Gift of Eternal Life, before God begins pouring out His Wrath upon
planet earth.
Once that happens you'll most likely be playing
with a live grenade in your hand because during the seven year end
it could be that people won't know if they'll live from one day to
the next. You'll still be able to turn to Jesus during The
End, but The End is going to be so destructive, that you won't want
to procrastinate in making such a simple and important decision
right now, of ensuring your Eternal Future in Heaven.
And if You sincerely turn your life over to
Jesus right now, you'll escape God's judgments on the inhabitant's
of the earth via the Rapture! If you are reading this right now and
are not a Christian, This may be your last chance to make it to
Heaven, because during the End, God is going to send strong delusion
to the people on the earth that they will believe a lie. Right
now God is still offering you mercy and Forgiveness. Receive
the gift of Eternal Life right now and be among those who will be
Raptured and thus blessed to be kept from the hour of trial which
will try all those who dwell on the earth.
Click Here, To Escape the Wrath!
Praise and Glory Be To God Now and Forever and Ever!!! Amen!