Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
1 Corinthians 15: 51, 52 -- 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Hello,My word for this month and for life is this: He who wins souls is wise. I've been doing a lot of reading over the past week or two. Two of the books have been on Hell. I already read one book, which was so, so, but the book I'm reading now is really unbelievable. I'll hopefully be done finish reading the book soon. All I can say is that I know personally in my life that I've been totally underestimating Hell. The book I'm reading will put the fear of God in you, believe me. The Book is called called 23 minutes in Hell, there's a link to it on the homepage. If you read the Bible and take the verses about Hell literally, and to heart, You will come to the deduction, that Hell is so unbelievably, incomprehensible, in that it is terrorizing and traumatic, that for anybody in this life, to not take God or the Bible serious, is just plain crazy. And I know that I am 100% guilty as others who have or may have underestimated this place, and God, - in not giving God His just due. When you think about it, we are all at God's mercy. All I can say is that reading the Bible is important. I just purchased a Daily Bible, and I'm going to read the Bible everyday! Believe it. (as much as it is in my power) I did say to to God the other day too, that I would read the Bible every day for one hour. (Normally if I read the Bible for an hour, I'll read the Bible all day :) lol's -- Bible reading is important. I was reading a book to the other day by Woodrow Kroll, from Back to the Bible, it's a really good book, called "Turning Your Life Around With God's Word." I believe. There was a quote in the Book from one of our past Presidents - Woodrow Wilson, He said, ' I feel sorry for the men who do not read the Bible every day '.... There was a really good movie on TBN the other night about Joseph, and Jacob. At one part in the movie, Jacob was talking or arguing with his sons, (without Joseph or Benjamin I believe) and said how can I honor my sons if they will not honor me. My Bible advice is: Be Transformed by the Renewing of your mind! -- Read the Bible!!! - And to become a Son of God, click on the link below :) [ Back to the topic of Hell ] The attack on the Twin Towers 9/11, is a perfect description of the insanity of Hell. There was a woman who was way up in the building, I believe, and instead of facing the fire that was ' 2,000 degrees, which would of incinerated her in 15 seconds, ' she jumped to her death than to face the fire. - (From the Book '23 minutes in Hell) That is like Hell. I am under the impression that Hell is located under this earth. Beneath our very feet, there is most likely a place where people this very moment are in agony. The core of the earth is 12,000 degrees (From the Book '23 minutes in Hell). If Hell is anywhere near there, man you need to know that Jesus is the only way to not end up in that place. According to the Bible, Hell which will become the Lake of Fire is a real place. That's why Jesus is called a Savior, to save us from sin and to ultimately I would say, to save us from this place of Hopeless, incomprehendable, fright and terror of pain and torment or simply stated: Eternal Punishment. The only way out of Eternal Punishment is to choose to learn from and follow Jesus.
Ok I want to write this paragraph from Woodrow Kroll's Book, ' Turning Your Life Around with God's Word ' "British Anthropologist John D. Unwin carefully studied eighty civilizations that have risen and fallen over a thousand years. He discovered that a similar pattern ran through each. In every civilization, people started out with strong moral values and a healthy emphasis on the family. Over time, however, conservative attitudes became more liberal, and the result was the decline of society's moral values. The family subsequently deteriorated, and society began to fall apart. In all eighty cases, the destruction of the nation was related to the destruction of the family. In most cases, that civilization collapsed within one generation of the destruction of the family unit. History proves that as the family goes, so goes the nation." I'm going to quote Woodroll Kroll for the next two paragraphs that follow the above,
So I
ask the question how much time do we have left? --Looking at
the Current Hour of The United States Of America, This is some of what
you see unfortunately: I think we have got to be kidding ourselves if we think life is going to remain the same for much longer. God is going to intervene at some point. However nobody knows God's thoughts, for 'God's thoughts/ways are far above our thoughts/ways, As The Heavens are above the earth,' but given the above historical evidence - when virtue and morality lose influence, which is pretty much God's Will, destruction happens. There are a lot of good things about the The USA too, a lot, but the hearts of the people are being led away from God, because there is a lack of Bible reading. This is the Daily Bible I just bought: MacArthur Daily Bible. Me, I'm going to the only safe place -- Back to Reading The Bible. And I'm going to try and save souls :) Check this out to get involved in God's Work: God Bless Everyone!