The Signature of God -- Part Two
In part one of this series, we looked at the
incredible detail with which the prophecies
concerning the Messiah's First Advent were fulfilled
in the life and times of the Lord Jesus Christ. We
also discussed that movement within the Church that
says all prophecy was fulfilled by AD 70 and that
the Church has replaced Israel as the recipient of
the promised blessings. (But none of the
corresponding curses).
It was an easy enough sell in previous
generations, when it seemed like that was the case.
There had been no significant activity in the area
of Bible prophecy for almost 2000 years, during
which time, the only thing that fell on Israel were
the curses.
But then, following the Second World War, a
miracle occurred, setting the stage for a whole
series of events, all prophesied by Scripture for
the last days. Moreover, those events were lining up
with Bible prophecy as specifically and with as much
detail as did the prophecies regarding the First
Advent. Remember Professor Stoner's illustration of
the odds that ten prophecies could be fulfilled in
the life of one individual?
One chance in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000.
What are the odds regarding the restoration of
Israel to the same piece of ground from which she
had been expelled twenty centuries earlier?
Unfortunately, I don't know. Nobody has calculated
them, to my knowledge. Especially since those
ancient prophecies are continuing to be fulfilled
before our eyes.
The Bible prophesied of the nation of Israel;
1. Disobedience would lead to the nation of
Israel being scattered amongst all nations.
(Deuteronomy 28:64, Leviticus 26:33, Jeremiah 9:16,
Ezekiel 12:15)
2. No rest for their souls while in exile amongst
the nations (Deuteronomy 28:65-66) For nearly 2000
years following the destruction in AD 70, the
'wandering Jew' has lived without a homeland, flag,
or national identity, apart from being a Jew.
subject to the strongest racial prejudice and
torment suffered by any ethnic group in all recorded
history. The first nation to ever extend full
citizenship to the Jew was the United States of
America in 1776. To this day, in many nations,
simply being a Jew is a crime.
3. God himself would restore the Jews to the land
of Israel from all the nations. (Jeremiah 16:14-16.
Jeremiah 3:14, 31:8-9, Isaiah 60:8-9, Deuteronomy
30:3, Amos 9:15.)
4. The desolate land of Israel would again
blossom and be fruitful in the last days. (Zechariah
7:14, Leviticus 26:14, Ezekiel 15:8 Jeremiah
9:12-13, 23:10, 44:22 Isaiah 32:13, 35:1, Ezekiel
36:35) Israel is the single largest exporter of
citrus fruit to Europe – indeed, Israel exports
tulips to Holland. But until the Jews returned to
the land in the 20th century, it remained a barren
5. God Himself would defend Israel and cause
Israel to be mighty in battle. (Zechariah 12:8)
Israel’s military might is ranked among the great
nations of the world. The rag-tag survivors of the
Holocaust, equipped with obsolete war surplus arms
and equipment, defeated the combined might of the
Arab legions in 1948, then again in 1956, 1967 and
6. In the last days, Jerusalem would be a burden
to the entire world. (Zechariah 12:2-3) Israel is
just 0.01% of the world’s population, but has been
the object of one third of all resolutions passed by
the UN.
7. In the end, all nations shall come against
Israel. (Zechariah 14:2, Revelation 16:14-16)
8. The final battle will be over Jerusalem
(Zechariah 14:2) – Is there a city on the face of
the earth whose ownership is more hotly contested?
9. The antichrist will come to power by
confirming a seven-year covenant between Israel and
her enemies. (Daniel 9:24) – This is a prize sought
after by all the nations of the earth and all the
world’s most ambitious diplomats – peace in the
Middle East.
10. Israel in the last days will be restored a
pure language. (Zephaniah 3:9) Hebrew, a language
dead since the days of ancient Rome, is today the
working language of the Israeli state.
All these events have been fulfilled, or are
clearly on the verge of being fulfilled, in this
generation. There is no foreseeable outcome to the
Arab-Israeli conflict, which is precisely the way
the Bible said it would be when the antichrist makes
his power play.
The conflict is the center of global attention at
all times. And there is nobody who is neutral. Any
nation who does not back Israel, actively works to
destroy her. Those nations who do support Israel are
immediate targets of terrorism.
"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a
burdensome stone for all people: all that burden
themselves with it shall be cut in pieces . . ."
(Zechariah 12:3)
Those who assert that all Bible prophecy was
fulfilled in AD 70 and that Israel's blessings
transferred to the Church almost invariably despise
Israel and support the Palestinian 'cause'.
That much is evident from the exchanges that take
place in our unregistered forums. The venom with
which they advance their argument is ample evidence
of its source, and we'll leave it there. "By their
fruits, ye shall know them" saith the Scriptures.
Clearly, Bible prophecy has been fulfilled
literally concerning the First Advent and it is
certain that God has not abandoned Israel as His
plan for His Chosen People continues to unfold.
Tomorrow, a look at the prophecies concerning the
Church in the last generation.